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Did You Remember?


Happy Monday, everyone! We hope the weekend was relaxing and refreshing.

So about the image we chose for this blog post. Legend has it that elephants have fantastic memories. They represent the animal with the ability for the longest recall.

What were you supposed to remember? Well, the upcoming free webinar from Justice Clearinghouse on "The Empathetic Workplace: Five Steps to a Compassionate, Calm, and Confident Response to Trauma on the Job". It is scheduled for April 21 which is only 2 days away.

If you did not see the previous post about this, you can read more about it in our calendar entry at the link below or by clicking the image. You still have time to register!

FREE WEBINAR - The Empathetic Workplace: Five Steps to a Compassionate, Calm, and Confident Response to Trauma on the Job

In today's environment, with all that we have been through and are still experiencing, we all need to make sure our workplaces are caring, compassionate and trauma-informed. Wouldn't you agree?

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