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2025 PACEs Connection Financial Update, Member Survey, Request for Support.

Image: Source Since April, 2024, Dana Brown and I have been working as volunteers to keep your social networking site – PACEs Connection – up and running. Gratefully, your donations supported raising $14,859 to pay CrowdStack, the learning management system platform on which PACEs Connection operates, in November, 2024. We are deeply grateful that a longtime PACEs Connection member was able to direct the Langeloth Foundation to make a $10,000 tax-deductible donation toward the total. That...

Blog Posts

OMG We're still here!

It is great to the this wonderful site live again. Thanks to everyone who struggled to save it - especially Cary Sipp. This interruption is a strong message we need to give more support to PACES C and find more funding.

Lofty Goals and a Means to Achieve Them

Here are some lofty goals and a possible means to achieve them. Reduced child abuse Reduced domestic violence Improved school discipline Reduced trauma Improved mental health Improved physical health Reduced food insecurity Reduced poverty Reduced homelessness Reduced crime Reduced substance abuse Improved educational outcomes Reduced narcissism Reduced bullying Improved empathy Reduced suicides An entirely new kind of parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere, all the time could...

Neuro-Nurturing: Advancing Strategies for the DECADE OF THE CHILD

If you are someone who cares about the children -- in particular the positive future of children this is a discussion for you! It is designed for those who are a leader, practitioner, funder, or advocate you will want to join us. It will bring together dedicated people in healthcare, government, social services, education, and community organizations who want to move beyond theory to actionable strategies for large-scale system change! Learn more and register here: ...

Intellectual Disabilities and Trauma-Informed Care - Report by Dr. Beverly Samways

Congratulations to Dr. Beverly Samaways from the UK on publishing her Churchill Report with learnings from her trip to the US to study trauma-informed care (TIC) and youth with developmental disabilities. She did extensive interviews with those supporting the implementation of TIC with IDD organizations including the Traumatic Stress Institute. You can download the report here.

US Maternal Mortality is worse than you think

Why U.S. Maternal Mortality is WORSE Than You Think Homicide is the leading cause of maternal mortality, we just don't count it Jeremy Nay, AMERICAN INEQUALITY blog, March 5, 2025 Today’s article is about how America is dramatically under counting maternal mortality. This is because we fail to include the #1 cause of deaths for pregnant women and new mothers: homicide (usually associated with domestic violence). Homicide is the leading cause of maternal mortality Nationally, there were...

It is REALLY possible to prevent child sexual abuse

Original Investigation March 3, 2025 Rates of Population-Level Child Sexual Abuse After a Community-Wide Preventive Intervention Jennie G. Noll, PhD 1,2 ; Johnny Felt, PhD 3 ; Justin Russotti, PhD 1,2 ; et al Kate Guastaferro, PhD 4 ; Sunshine Day, MS 5 ; Zachary Fisher, PhD 5 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Pediatr. Published online March 3, 2025. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.6824...

Congress moves to protect children from Internet exploitation

Speaker Mike Johnson is "anxious" to get the Take It Down Act to the House floor, he said today during a roundtable with First Lady Melania Trump and victims of child sexual abuse material. Why it matters: Online safety legislation is moving quickly this Congress, despite tech policy bills often struggling to make it over the finish line, Maria Curi reports for Axios Pro: Tech Policy. The Take It Down Act — which would force platforms to remove child sexual abuse material and nonconsensual...

New Trauma-Informed Co-Colouring Book to Support Youth Affected by Parental Addiction

We are so excited to launch our NEW trauma-informed co-colouring book to foster social emotional learning in young people affected by the stress and stigma of a parent's substance use! Our team at Starlings Community are so excited to be launching a new series of tools for natural supports and family caregivers who are journeying alongside young people who are affected by the stress and stigma of a parents substance use. Designed for professionals and / or family members supporting young...

Resilient Roots: A Fusion of Indigenous Wellness Principles & CBT-Based Resilience

Resilient Roots is an experiential Holistic Trauma-Informed Resilience Program that guides individuals on their wellness journey through integrated Artistic Expression, Breathwork, Yoga postures, Mindfulness, Nature & Connection. We utilize the FRIENDS program, supported by the WHO, as a foundation for our CBT-based resilience-building techniques, which we then weave together with Indigenous ideology and Polyvagal Theory. By incorporating the Polyvagal Theory, we help participants...

I Broke Up With My Abusive Mother

I Broke Up With My Abusive Mother. I Don’t Regret That Decision. By Eamon Dolan, The New York Times, March 2, 2025 Mr. Dolan is the author of the forthcoming “The Power of Parting: Finding Peace and Freedom Through Family Estrangement.” Twelve years ago, I broke up with my mother. She beat me and my siblings hundreds of times in our youth, and she inflicted on us an array of other behaviors that qualified as emotional...

Ask the Community

New research shows the vital importance of positive childhood experiences in helping to create empathy in children. See " The influence of Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences on facets of empathy ". We are eager to find, illuminate, and share as models or norms these positive childhood experiences! You could simply post a photograph of a community experience that is culturally appropriate and community led, with information about your resiliency or PACEs group, what it is you all...Read More...

Participate in research on attachment, daily routine regularity, mental health, and childhood adversity!

Hi everyone! I'm a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh, and I'm currently researching the associations between attachment, daily routine regularity, mental health, and childhood adversity. Your participation could significantly contribute to our understanding and clinical practices in these areas. The survey takes approximately 15-25 minutes to complete, and all responses are completely anonymous. Plus, you'll have the chance to win one of two £30 Amazon vouchers as a thank you for...Read More...
Last Reply By Arazais Oliveros · First Unread Post

Presentation for Older Teens/Young Adults

Has anyone taken clips from any of the TIC documentaries and incorporated them into a presentation for older teens/young adults? And yes, it is great to be able to show a full documentary and then have a follow up discussion, but not always possible when you have just an hour slot. And another ask...does anyone have presentation materials for police depts? thank you.Read More...

Resilience Videos

Zareen Hasan
Hi Everyone, I'm in the process of building a Healthy Grandfamilies course and was looking for assistance with good video resources to describe PACES and resilience. The videos ideally need to be between 3-4 minutes long. I realize there is a lot to say on this topic, but wanted to be as concise as possible. Thank you in advance for your help.Read More...
Last Reply By Mebane Boyd · First Unread Post

Presentation for High School Students in an Alternative Program

I am doing a presentation on trauma to older high school students in an alternative program. Had thought about showing Paper Tigers with follow up conversation. I know there are other documentaries and perhaps even Ted Talks or YouTubes that would speak to their experiences. I am looking for suggestions. These students live in an urban setting that oftentimes reeks of toxic stress. Also, wold appreciate suggestions of icebreakers to use. The groups will be small, lending the conversation to...Read More...
Last Reply By Nevin Newell · First Unread Post
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