As you may already be aware, the two year contract with Dave Ellis, DCF’s Executive on Loan (EOL) to coordinate statewide efforts to prevent, protect against, and heal from the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) has ended. I know this is disappointing to so many of us whose lives, organizations and philosophies, Dave touched and influenced, but the EOL role was always expected to be short term. Together with support from DCF and philanthropy (the Burke Foundation, The Nicholson Foundation and the Turrell Fund) Dave helped us establish an Office of Resilience and lay the groundwork/create the vision moving forward. As we begin this next chapter, we are more committed than ever to continuing the work. The Office of Resilience will remain in DCF and we have begun the search for a new Executive Director. In the meantime, I have asked Kelli Puryear to step in as Interim Director. Kelli will help guide the great work of the unit to ensure continuity and momentum as well as the advancement of the recommendations in the New Jersey ACEs Action Plan, and soon to be released strategic plan. We’re incredibly grateful to Dave for sharing his wisdom and expertise with us, and for setting New Jersey on course to mitigate adverse childhood experiences and trauma. Thanks in part to his work, and to yours, New Jersey is emerging as a national leader in responding to ACEs and healing our residents. We’ll keep you updated on our progress.

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