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Microgrant Moment: Expressive Art Therapy

Program Name: Expressive Art Therapy RAC: CUMAC Organization name: Aspire NJ Person of Contact: Davida Hunter Davida Hunter was a longtime school counselor about to start Expressive Art Therapy, a program for children, when the pandemic disrupted her plans. What she found was that during COVID, while it was easy enough to provide online therapy, she was finding it difficult to keep the attention of the children with which she worked. To address this, Davida and her coworker, a former art...

Microgrant Moment: Makers Place- YOU FIRST!

Makers Place, launched in July 2018, was founded on the principles of asset-based community development, emphasizing the value of building relationships and fostering a sense of community strength. Instead of focusing on what a community lacks, Makers Place recognizes and celebrates the inherent gifts within each individual. The organization is committed to bringing people together and leveraging community support to create a more unified and empowered environment. The challenges posed by...

Microgrant Moment: Career Academy at Trenton Central High School

Dress for Success- Central New Jersey is dedicated to empowering women and teen girls by providing them with clothing and essential workforce development tools. Their mission is to instill confidence through effective communication, personal branding, and image enhancement, guiding these individuals to the next level of their academic and professional journeys. Dress for Success Mercer County began modestly in 2007 as a small affiliate, primarily focused on providing clothing to women...

Pioneering child-advocacy office loses its leader

LILO H. STAINTON, HEALTH CARE WRITER | MAY 13, 2022 | HEALTH CARE Private funds paid his salary. NJ taxes covered the staff. Now he’s gone New Jersey generated a national buzz among child welfare experts when in June 2020 it launched the first state-level office devoted to childhood resilience and arranged for private foundations to pay the salary of the director. Two years later acclaimed director Dave Ellis is leaving the Department of Children and Families Office of Resilience. The...

Latest News

We must combat the myth of declining homelessness — in New Jersey and beyond | Opinion Paul R. Shackford | The Bergen Record via Last fall, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Marcia Fudge announced the “House America” program to fund the rehousing of 100,000 families and the building of 20,000 affordable housing units. The goal is admirable but the reality here in Bergen County is that affordable rentals are a myth. The opportunity for local working families to find...

The Carceral Logic of Child Welfare - An interview with Dorothy Roberts, the author of Torn Apart: How the Child Welfare System Destroys Black Families—and How Abolition Can Build a Safer World.

Lyra Walsh Fuchs | Over 630,000 children, who are disproportionately Black and Indigenous, were “served by the foster care system” in 2020, according to the federal Department of Health and Human Services. That number doesn’t account for the many families placed under informal supervisory plans, or who received surprise knocks on their doors from caseworkers, often accompanied by police. Dorothy Roberts and a growing number of activists across the country have another...

Educational and social deficits worsen among NJ students

Eric Scott | NJ1015 After two years of remote learning and hybrid classes, New Jersey's K-12 students continue to struggle and are in danger of falling even farther behind. Even with in-person learning since the start of the current school year, the struggles are evidence in every grade level. The non-profit education advocacy group JerseyCAN recently completed the first comprehensive look at so-called 'learning loss,' and the results should alarm every parent. On average, New Jersey...

White-supremacist propaganda remained high in the United States in 2021, new ADL report says - Find out where NJ is on the list.

By MICHELLE BOORSTEIN Washington Post White-supremacist groups continued in 2021 to distribute propaganda at a historically high rate, a report published Thursday says, part of what some experts call an increasingly panicked reaction to growing diversity in America. The Anti-Defamation League’s research found 4,851 reported cases of white supremacist propaganda in 2021, including racist, anti- Semitic and anti-LGBTQ items. That’s down 5% from 2020 but way up from 294 cases in 2017, when the...

Shopping while Black: Bridgewater mall incident amplifies talk of racism in retail spaces.

By Vashti Harris | NJ Advance Media for and Matthew Stanmyre | NJ Advance Media for For Tionni Kennedy, Bridgewater Commons mall is a place she frequently visits to hang out with friends, browse through stores, and gab over meals in the food court. It’s also where Kennedy, who is Black, said she often encounters racism. The 17-year-old from Piscataway feels the glare of store workers when she walks into shops and notices how they always seem to follow her as she looks at...

‘Diaries of A Black Girl in Foster Care’ Podcast Launches

A new podcast series beginning Wednesday, Feb. 23 will explore the unique issues of Black girls who experience foster care in America. Diaries of A Black Girl in Foster Care (which uses @BlkGrlDiariesFC on social media platforms) will begin with three episodes that address cultural issues, racial disparities and stereotypes that organizers argue have contributed to poor outcomes for Black girls in America’s various foster care systems. “Everybody can get something out of this, not just Black...

California’s first surgeon general, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, resigns

California’s top physician is stepping down. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, who became the state’s first surgeon general in 2019, announced her resignation Tuesday, her office confirmed. Dr. Devika Bhushan, chief health officer, will serve as acting surgeon general. Gov. Gavin Newsom thanked Burke Harris for “the impactful initiatives and frameworks she has put in place as California’s first-ever surgeon general.” “Dr. Burke Harris’ expertise and leadership in championing equity, mental health and...

Project Self-Sufficiency program supports trauma survivors, promotes prevention

By Community Bulletin The Newton-based Project Self-Sufficiency will continue the workshop and discussion series, “PACEs at PSS”, designed to facilitate the conversation about issues surrounding Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs), with a virtual session on Monday, Feb. 7 at 5 p.m. Participants are invited to explore the Connections Matter curriculum, a program funded by the New Jersey Department of Children and Families and led by Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey designed to...

Prison mandate for teen killers fought at top NJ court

Juveniles as young as 15 can be tried as adults in New Jersey, where they face a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years in prison if convicted. EMILEE LARKIN / October 26, 2021 TRENTON (CN) — The New Jersey Supreme Court pushed prosecutors on Tuesday to defend the constitutionality of a mandate that sends juveniles convicted of felony murder to prison for 30 years. Fighting the scheme is James Comer who was 17 years old in 2000 when one of his accomplices to four armed robberies shot and...

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