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ACEs / ACEs Action Plan

What is racial healing?

We join our fellow community members in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in solidarity and sorrow after the police killing of Patrick Lyoya , who was a father and son. In media coverage, we saw the gut-wrenching grief of his family reflected on his mother’s face. Mrs. Lyoya’s expression is a stark visual reminder of the way systemic racial violence disrupts the lives of children, families and communities every day . All our communities confront crises born of racism, which is embedded in all of our...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion + Social Emotional Learning in K-12 Virtual Program

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Diversity, Equity and Inclusion + Social Emotional Learning in K-12 Virtual Program Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 7:00-8:30 pm The session will provide the audience with a greater understanding on the role of a Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer. The program will focus on how diversity, equity and inclusion and social emotional learning intersect and why both are important as well as how school districts can strengthen partnerships with parents and its community in...


Some people are unaware they have been through a traumatic experience. In fact, it can lay deep in the psyche for years… And sometimes, it’s only years later that we suddenly think: ‘Hang on, that thing I experienced, that was pretty traumatic – maybe I need to process it before I can move forwards in my life?’ TCCHE have proudly partnered with Quantum Way on this free summit to deepening the understanding of trauma and the sequence of events it can have throughout a person’s life. The...

'Perfect timing' for CDC funding to take PACEs work in New Jersey to next level with focus on prevention

@Kamala Allen , vice president, program operations and child health quality, Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) and principal investigator, CDC PACEs: D2A award to CHCS. Liz Buck is project director. _____________________________ “The timing couldn’t have been more perfect,” says Kamala Allen, principal investigator for the New Jersey-based Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS). She was referring to the award from CDC’s Preventing ACEs: Data to Action (PACE: D2A) of $400,000 per...

Toxic Stress: Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Mental Health and Chronic Disease

Hear from public health leaders about the impact of childhood adversity on health across the lifespan and the role of the field of chronic disease prevention in addressing ACEs. Toxic Stress: Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Mental Health and Chronic Disease Thursday, April 21, 2022 2-3:30 p.m. ET Rob Anda, MD, MS Co-Founder of ACE Interface Jim Marks, MD, MPH Former Executive Vice President Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Former Director, CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease...

Leading M.D. addresses adverse childhood experiences on ‘Top Docs Radio’

The latest edition of the Medical Association of Georgia’s (MAG) ‘Top Docs Radio’ show addresses adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and “systemic empathy” – which is designed to integrate empathy into our health care experience/system to improve patient outcomes. It features Stan Sonu, M.D., M.P.H., an assistant professor of internal medicine, pediatrics, and preventative medicine at the Emory University School of Medicine and an associate program director for Emory’s Internal Medicine...

From Coast to Coast: State Strategies to Address Adverse Childhood Experiences

AUTHORS: Hannah Gears and Meryl Schulman, Center for Health Care Strategies In recent years, many states have focused on addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) — stressful and potentially traumatic events, such as violence, abuse, or neglect, that occur prior to age 18. Some states have adopted cross-sector statewide plans to address ACEs. In other states, governors’ executive orders have put a priority on mitigating the effects of ACEs. California and New Jersey are leading...

The Carceral Logic of Child Welfare - An interview with Dorothy Roberts, the author of Torn Apart: How the Child Welfare System Destroys Black Families—and How Abolition Can Build a Safer World.

Lyra Walsh Fuchs | Over 630,000 children, who are disproportionately Black and Indigenous, were “served by the foster care system” in 2020, according to the federal Department of Health and Human Services. That number doesn’t account for the many families placed under informal supervisory plans, or who received surprise knocks on their doors from caseworkers, often accompanied by police. Dorothy Roberts and a growing number of activists across the country have another...

Educational and social deficits worsen among NJ students

Eric Scott | NJ1015 After two years of remote learning and hybrid classes, New Jersey's K-12 students continue to struggle and are in danger of falling even farther behind. Even with in-person learning since the start of the current school year, the struggles are evidence in every grade level. The non-profit education advocacy group JerseyCAN recently completed the first comprehensive look at so-called 'learning loss,' and the results should alarm every parent. On average, New Jersey...

ACE Interface ACEs Training Presented by The Office of Resilience

Building Self-Healing Communities – Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences Join us for a 3-hour session on the impact of childhood trauma and its implications across the life course. The session will be interactive and will include small and large group dialog, reflection and time for questions and answers. Come ready to actively participate and engage with others on this journey! The Office of Resilience is presenting SIX great opportunities for you to engage in starting January 2022.

Webinar: ACEs - A Promise or A Peril: To Screen or Not to Screen, That Is the Question

Over 800 registrants! Join us Wednesday, March 9th at 9:15 - 10:30 AM ET Agenda: · Commissioner welcome · National debate about whether to screen for ACEs in the clinical setting. · Risks associated with ACEs screening in pediatric primary care settings · ACEs through an equity lens Click Here To Register! Christine Norbut Beyer, MSW has been Commissioner of the NJ Department of Children and Families since 2018. She is redefining the agency as a prevention-focused, child and family serving...

We Owe Transgender Children and Youth Affirmation and Respect

A Statement from the Center for the Study of Social Policy Children and youth need to be affirmed in their identities in order to be healthy and to thrive. This is a statement of fact and not contested opinion; it is backed by research, and it is supported by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). In spite of this, Governor Abbott of Texas is using his power to intentionally harm children and youth by doing the exact opposite of what we all know...

Building the Movement workshop series

If you haven't already been joining our Building the Movement workshop series, I wanted to personally invite you to join the next free, virtual workshop that aims to provide stakeholders, advocates and practitioners the tools to integrate trauma-informed, resilience-focused and healing-centered approaches and principles into their daily operations. Please join us on Friday, March 4, 2022, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. PT) as we focus on populations with high prevalence of...

Webinar: ACEs - A Promise or A Peril: To Screen or Not to Screen, That Is the Question []

Join us Wednesday, March 9th at 9:15 - 10:30 AM ET Agenda: · Commissioner welcome · National debate about whether to screen for ACEs in the clinical setting. · Risks associated with ACEs screening in pediatric primary care settings · ACEs through an equity lens Click Here To Register! Christine Norbut Beyer, MSW has been Commissioner of the NJ Department of Children and Families since 2018. She is redefining the agency as a prevention-focused, child and family serving department, with a...

State Actions To Prevent And Mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences [National Governors Association]

The National Governors Association along with the Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy and the National Academy for State Health Policy, released today, December 9, the report "State Actions To Prevent And Mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences." The Executive Summary is included below. To read the entire report, click here. An article about the NGA Learning Collaborative and this report will be posted soon on PACEs Connection. Preventing and mitigating adverse childhood experiences and...

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