The Healing our Children World Summit for 2017 starts on Wednesday, March 1. This is a free, entirely online event for parents of and professionals working with children struggling with anxiety, ADHD, autism, developmental trauma, ACES, sensory processing disorder, and more. It features interviews with more than 20 leading experts in connection-based parenting (including Patty Wipfer, Dan Siegel, Bonnie Harris, Bryan Post, and Dr. Laura Markham), healing modalities that create calming and regulation (including Sebern Fisher on neurofeedback, Alison Morris on EFT tapping, Bette Lamont on neurological reorganization), and a variety of other topics including healing from ACES (with Donna Jackson Nakazawa) the biology of loss (Dr. Gabor Mate) epigentics (Dr. Bruce Lipton), and so much more. Find out more and register at

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