On Friday 29 October 2021 the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission’s released their first report: 'Access and Choice Programme: Report on the first two years - Te Hōtaka mō Ngā Whai Wāhitanga me Ngā Kōwhiringa: He purongo mo ngā rua tau tuatahi'.
This is the first report released by the Commission since their establishment in February this year.
The independent report on the Access and Choice Programme has found that the programme has put much-needed investment into primary and community care in line with many of the recommendations in He Ara Oranga, enabling important services to be provided.
However, the Commission would like to see the rollout of services for Māori, Pacific peoples, and youth accelerated. It also wants Youth services prioritised and delivered in ways and settings that are acceptable and accessible to young people.
Read the full report on the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission website

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