Silence divides us
Speaking up unites us
By speaking up
By telling our stories
We are seen and heard
By listening we discover we are not alone
The media has a responsibility to report the truth
To give people the opportunity to speak up
So that the public is informed
Sadly, many of our major media providers in NZ do not report many stories of child abuse and harm to our children and harm done to parents who protect their children and to advocates fighting to address the harm done to our children
And because the media does not do this then the public falls under the belief that NZ is a safe, beautiful country.
This is not true for behind the veneer, the facade, lurks secrets of harm done to our children
So when the public watches people marching to protest and to demand change, they get heckled and shunned.
When the status quo believes that everything is ok then WHY change?
The status quo has the power of numbers.
Those of us fighting for justice, for truth and for our children must become the status quo
Call for Action
Speak up when you have been harmed or you see someone harmed
Our Media MUST report wrongdoing
Our whistleblowers MUST be protected including reporters like Melanie Reid
We must speak up to overcome silence
We must #UnifyandAmplify

Students often stay silent after being sexually assaulted, survey finds
A survey of Christchurch Girls' High Sch
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