Trauma-Responsive and Resilience Building Practices for Early Childhood Educators (ECE), Leaders, Organizations, and Systems:
A Three-Part Program
Our region is excited to partner with the Center for Optimal Brain Integration (COBI) to provide a three-part virtual training series (an opening institute, a six-part community of practice, and a closing institute) for early childhood educators, organizations and system leaders.
Join us as we deepen our advocacy for and increase trauma-informed and resilience oriented mental health best practices in schools and communities through the Pacific Southwest region, focusing on the early childhood workforce.
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All training will be for the early childhood workforce, especially prospective, emerging, and veteran leaders in early childhood education. This includes:
- Program directors, site supervisors, principals and other district administrators and staff in leadership positions (superintendents, chief academic officers, instructional coaches supporting early childhood program staff teacher leaders, etc.).
- Leaders working in educational non-profits.
- Administrators and support personnel with backgrounds outside of early childhood who will increasingly be asked to support and work with early childhood educators, infrastructure staff, mental health providers/administrators; and
- Anyone responsible for the supervision of early childhood professionals and/or providing instructional and supervisory support services for infants, toddler, preschool and early elementary aged children and their families.
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Institute #1: Foundations (Opening)
Foundations of Trauma-Responsive and Resilience Building Practices for Early Childhood Educator (ECE), Leaders, Organizations and Systems
June 9, 2022 • 3:15-5:15 p.m. Pacific Time (view your time zone)
Integrating Our Learning and Preparing for the Coming Year: Trauma-Responsive and Resilience Building Practices for ECE, Leaders, Organizations and Systems
August 4, 2022 • 3:15-5:15 p.m. Pacific Time (view your time zone)
- June 16: Understand Stress and Trauma and Promote Coping, Resilience, Health and Healing
- June 23: Build Mutually Trusting Relationships and Power Sharing Partnerships and Community Centered Solutions
- June 30: Establish Safety and Predictability and Provide Opportunities for Agency and Control
- July 7: Focus on Strengths and Assets
- July 14: Implement Culturally, Linguistically and Contextually Responsive Practices
- July 21: Acknowledge Systems of Privilege and Oppression and Take Actions to Disrupt Inequity
*Note that if you are attending the CoP, we strongly ask that you attend the first Institute.
[Please click here to register for the community of practice sessions.]
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Series Faculty
Julie Kurtz
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Julie Kurtz is an author and national speaker consulting and training on trauma and resilience. She promotes the concept of optimal brain integration to maximize human growth potential. Julie is the Founder and CEO for the Center for Optimal Brain Integration.
She is a co-author of:
- Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators: Relationship-Based Approaches that Support Healing and Build Resilience in Young Children
- Culturally Responsive Self-Care Practices for Early Childhood Educators
- Trauma-Responsive Practices for Early Childhood Leaders: Creating and Sustaining Healing and Engaged Organizations
- Trauma-Responsive Family Engagement in Early Childhood: Practices for Equity and Resilience
- Understanding My Brain: Becoming Human(E)! (Ages 4-8 and 5-10)
Julie Kurtz is the creator of the phone/tablet Application (APP) Trigger Stop: Sensory and Emotional Check-in, designed specifically for children ages 3-8 years to promote sensory and emotional literacy and to support self-regulation.
Mary Anne Doan
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Mary Anne Doan has served in the ECE field for 50 years, most recently as the Executive Director for the California Early Childhood Mentor Program. She has worked with 40 tribes across the U.S. and Canada and worked with Head Start programs in Hawaii and the Outer Pacific as well as Indian Head Start. She also co-led a family-focused cultural and language revitalization Early Childhood project in India, Rwanda, and with the Navajo, Laguna and Zuni Pueblos in New Mexico. Mary Anne has devoted her life work to equity, social justice, self-care, healing and inclusion across, languages, cultures and people groups, with personal roots to indigenous populations in North America. She recently retired to pursue consulting in culturally responsive self-care and a creativity and self-care coaching business.

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