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PACEs in Early Childhood


Book: Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators

15% discount with this flyer! Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators Relationship-Based Approaches that Support Healing and Build Resilience in Young Children Julie Nicholson, Linda Perez and Julie Kurtz Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators guides child care providers and early educators working with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary aged children to understand trauma as well as its impact on young children’s brains, behavior, learning...

Shasta County, CA using videos to educate, activate & celebrate

Here are four great YouTube videos highlighting some of the work happening on the ground in Shasta County. They are motivated and mobilized. According to one of the providers speaking towards the end of one video - patients/clients had positively "profound" responses to learning about their ACEs - and they felt empowered to do what they could do to not have their children have the same experience. More videos available here .

Teaching Kids to Understand Self Regulation and Responsibility

Sample Lesson from Superkid Power Teaching Kids to Understand Self Regulation and Responsibility Key concepts from the curriculum are how to breathe deeply to stay calm and how to use that inner calm to control how to respond to whatever is going on around you. First, we teach how to take deep breaths using a 3D prop, called the breathing sphere, that expands and contracts to represent the lungs and diaphragm filling with air along with the teacher counting out the beats of...

Helping Parents Develop Positive Relationships with their infants to toddlers (National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence,NPEIV).

Zero to Three Resource- extracted from website and with discussion text by Karin Hecht (September 14, 2018) Bonding activities between parent and child can be a great way to help a child’s development and strengthen the relationship. The Zero to Three website has great resources for child-centered activities to help little ones learn and grow. One particularly useful resource for parents and care providers are a collection of stage-by-stage age-based tips and what to expect as your baby...

New early response program for family trauma in early childhood []

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is rolling out a new program for educators — Early signals. First Responses. Funded by the NSW Domestic & Family Violence Innovation Fund the program will resource and support early childhood educators and carers to better recognise and respond to young children who have been exposed to or have experienced family violence. The focus of the Innovation Fund on long-term prevention and early intervention strategies is aimed at ensuring educators receive...

What Viral Reunification Videos Reveal About the Trauma of Separated Immigrant Children []

A Guatemalan mother falls to her knees as her seven-year-old daughter walks through the door. They've been separated for 55 days, and the mother is completely overcome with emotion. She embraces her child, rocking her and rubbing her back, openly weeping and speaking to her daughter in Spanish. When she pulls back, the child's face appears somewhat frozen, but she clearly has tears in her eyes; her mother wipes her face with the tissue she has been clutching. This video from CNN is just one...

New early response program for family trauma in early childhood []

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is rolling out a new program for educators — Early signals. First Responses. Funded by the NSW Domestic & Family Violence Innovation Fund the program will resource and support early childhood educators and carers to better recognise and respond to young children who have been exposed to or have experienced family violence. The focus of the Innovation Fund on long-term prevention and early intervention strategies is aimed at ensuring educators receive...

Family Border Separation Policy Has Long-Term Effects on Child Health []

Despite a reversal of the Trump administration family separation policy, as of July 2018, more than 2000 children remain separated from their parents or legal guardians. 1 In an article published in JAMA, Howard A. Zucker, MD, JD, and Danielle Greene, DrPH, of the New York State Department of Health, suggest that child-parent separation during an already tumultuous and emotionally strenuous event may exert greater long-term physical and mental health effects on children than is currently...

Yolo Crisis Nursery: The power of partnership []

Sara is a young, pregnant, single mom who didn’t know where to start. There were so many wolves at the door and she had no clue as to which one to take on first, or even if any of them could be driven away. Her toddler son had just been removed from another child-care center due to behavioral challenges. Without child care, Sara was on the brink of losing her job, which meant the family would be evicted from their apartment and forced to live on the streets. It seemed she had nowhere to...

Pediatricians Group: Doctors Should Prescribe Play Time For Kids (

A new report is recommending kids do something critical for healthy development – play. The report ‘ The Power of Play ’ from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all pediatricians tell children that playing with parents and peers is a critical part of healthy development, fundamental for learning life skills and reducing stress. Dr. Michael Yogman of Mount Auburn Hospital authored the report which shows playtime has decreased significantly in the past 15 years, while screen time...

Playtime May Bolster Kids’ Mental Health []

“Play has become a four-letter word.” So says Kathy Hirsh-Pasek , a psychologist at Temple University and one of the authors of a new paper about the importance of play in children’s lives. The clinical report , published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommends that pediatricians write a “prescription for play” at doctor visits in the first two years of life. Years of research have shown that play is an important part of a child’s development, assisting in cognition, memory, social...

Is your school a buffer zone against toxic stress?

The challenge of the fast pace and the strain of living in the 21 st century is the chronic stress of keeping up with volume of information, expectations and adverse experiences that leads to stressors of daily living. Adults have become good at adjusting to and compartmentalizing these stressors. Children and adolescents however are struggling to keep up and are in fact caving under the weight of the stresses. In addition, many children lack adequate nurturing and supports needed to give...

3D Teaching Example to calm pre-K and K kids

Janai Mestrovich, Ashland, OR, (BS/MS, Family & Child Development) has been teaching Early Childhood Education and Social/Emotional Learning for 42 years. She specializes in '3D' experiences that help her students visualize and feel the lesson as part of the SuperKid Power curriculum. The 'breathing sphere' opens and closes to show kids how the body/lungs/diaphragm work inside them and Janai opens and closes it as she counts out numbers for inhale, hold and exhale. In the 'staying calm...

The First Five Years Matters: Quality of Early Relationships determines Lifelong Health

Quality of Early Relationships determines Lifelong Health The first relationship—usually this is between the mother and her infant—has an enduring impact on all later stages of human development. This relationship which occurs has been described by Bowlby’s attachment theory, which at its core, is about how the mother helps the infant regulate emotion. The mother-infant attachment communications are essential because they directly affect the development of the brain. Dr. Allan Schore, the...

Looking for childcare in Fresno? Be ready for waitlists, high costs and to quit your job (

A new study from the UC Berkeley Early Childhood Think Tank and the American Institutes for Research found that the San Joaquin Valley doesn’t have enough daycare and preschool spots for its population of young children, which will continue to grow through 2030. The shortage affects both middle- and working-class families, the latter of whom face waits for subsidies while the former shoulder steep tuition costs for full-time care. Both groups have to contend with a scarcity of openings in...

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