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PACEs in Early Childhood


Why Do So Few Americans Take Maternity Leave? []

You probably already know the United States has some of the worst parental leave laws in the world. Among the 41 countries that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. is the only one with no guaranteed paid time off to care for a new baby. But it’s hard to say how these laws actually affect new parents, since no federal agency collects data on how many workers take parental leave. A few recent analyses, however, might offer some clues. It turns out that...

Harvard and RWJF report on child care scarcity and its consequences for parents

One of the most stressful questions a new parent confronts is, "Who's going to take care of my baby when I go back to work?" Figuring out the answer to that question is often not easy. When NPR, along with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, surveyed more than 1,000 parents nationwide about their child care experiences, a third reported difficulty finding care. For the full story, read Child Care Scarcity Has Very Real Consequences For...

In a County with More Babies Than Any Other, Childcare Comes at a Cost - And Not Just for Parents (

In California, childcare for infants costs as much as tuition in the University of California (UC) system, according to new data from the Lucile Packard Foundation of Children’s Health. In 2014, parents of infants in California spent an average of more than $13,300 on childcare. That year, UC tuition and fees were just over $13,200. Achievement gaps start early. According to a report this year from the Economic Policy Institute , children from more affluent backgrounds tend to perform better...

In Germany, Parents Can Sue the Government for Failing to Provide Child Care []

You’ve had a baby—congratulations! Now, when will you be returning to work? For most parents, their answer depends on the arrangements they can find for child care—this is especially true for mothers, who, despite many changes to society over the past century, remain primarily responsible for childrearing across industrialized nations. The difficulty of securing daycare varies drastically country by country. In 2013, Germany declared that every child over the age of 1 has the legal right to...

Child Care Scarcity Has Very Real Consequences For Working Families []

One of the most stressful questions a new parent confronts is, "Who's going to take care of my baby when I go back to work?" Figuring out the answer to that question is often not easy. When NPR, along with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, surveyed more than 1,000 parents nationwide about their child care experiences, a third reported difficulty finding care. Searching far and wide, finding little Megan Carpenter, a new mother who lives in...

The Real Costs of Childcare []

Meredith Sawyer is an early childhood educator in Greensboro, North Carolina, who has been teaching for more than a decade. But as she reflects on the last seven years as a transitional kindergarten teacher in a childcare center that has the highest quality rating the state can offer — five stars — Sawyer realizes she’s grown tired of watching her peers meet life goals while she’s left unrewarded for her accomplishments and hard work. In a word? Sawyer is stuck. “I wait tables part time so I...

Developing Healthy Minds: It’s Never Too Early to Start! []

The human mind is one of the most complex structures in the universe. Even in early infancy, it is capable of taking in a wide variety of inputs. Still, in our early years, we’ve only unlocked a small portion of its potential. Our brains actually continue to develop into our twenties . Accordingly, the U.S. Government embraces a definition of youth that continues until we turn 25. Nurturing the development of young minds to stay healthy through adulthood is a primary goal of SAMHSA’s Project...

Helping Children Birth-5 Rebound from Traumatic Experiences: Create Classrooms that Support Recovery

In this banked video, Cate Heroman and Jenna Bilmes , authors of Helping Children Rebound , explain how children might behave after experiencing a disturbing event and why. The presenters share examples of how traumatic events such as natural disasters, terrorist incidents, witnessing violence, and even seeing reports of death and destruction in the news can impact children’s behavior. The session also includes specific strategies to help teachers meet the emotional needs of children who...

Equipping Grandmas With Childcare Credentials []

On a recent morning, 15 women gathered in a mint-green classroom at First Lutheran Church in Longmont, Colorado, to learn more about the fundamentals of childcare. They talked about mapping out daily schedules with time for reading activities, group play, meals, and naps. They traded tips about the inexpensive educational materials available at Dollar Tree stores. But this was no Saturday-morning babysitting boot camp. It was part of a 120-hour training course that will eventually earn...

Closing the Child Care Access Gap []

In April , Creative Learning Preschool in the center of downtown Madison, Wisconsin, launched an ambitious campaign : to raise half a million dollars to buy the building they had operated out of for 19 years. As rents continue to spike in Madison, public day cares have struggled to stay in place. The only other nonprofit child care option for downtown parents, Red Caboose, announced a move to the east side of the city in September. If Creative Learning were forced out, “there would be nobody...

Poverty Wages For U.S. Child Care Workers May Be Behind High Turnover []

In Greensboro, N.C., Eyeisha Holt spends her days as a full-time child care worker at Head Start. But after a decade's work in early education she still earns only $11.50 an hour — barely enough, she says, to cover the basics as a single mom of two. So every weekday evening she heads to her second job, as a babysitter. "Are you ready to go to bed?" she asks, as she oversees bath time for her 3-year-old daughter and another of her charges. For 25 hours a week, Holt cares for toddler twins, in...

Lack Of Child Care Rating Systems Leaves Parents In A Bind []

There are rating systems for hospitals, nursing homes and doctors. So why is it so hard to compare providers of child care? Part of the reason is that there are no nationally agreed-upon standards for what determines the quality of child care. The standards that do exist are formulated in each state, and they vary widely. For example, some states require that child care workers have a teaching certificate. Others require certain college courses. Some have strict ratios of how many caregivers...

The Preschooler's Empathy Void []

Back in March, Anderson Cooper famously compared Donald Trump to a 5-year-old. The presidential nominee had tweeted a flattering photo of his wife Melania juxtaposed with a less-flattering photo of the wife of his then-opponent Ted Cruz, and, when Cooper pressed him, he defended the tweet with a kindergartener’s default excuse: “I didn’t start it.” Trump turned 70 this summer. But there may, in the broadest of senses, be science to support Cooper’s analogy—at least when considering what his...

Parents Need Flexible and Affordable Child Care []

I remember how it felt when I returned to work after the birth of my first son. Trying to figure out child care was confusing, overwhelming, and downright stressful. Of course I wanted the very best care for my baby, but I didn’t know what “high quality” really looked like. Our first arrangement was with a nearby woman who cared for a few other children in her home. Pretty quickly, I decided it wasn’t the right fit. I cobbled together a mix of family and part-time care while searching for a...

A Pediatrician's View Of Paid Parental Leave []

Paternity leave can make a big difference in a dad's long-term engagement with the child, doctors find. Paid family leave also fosters breastfeeding and reduces the incidence of maternal depression. As part of All Things Considered's series Stretched: Working Parents' Juggling Act , NPR talked with Dr. Benard Dreyer , a developmental and behavioral pediatrician at the New York University School of Medicine and president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, to get a better sense of what the...

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