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PACEs in the Criminal Justice System

Discussion and sharing of resources in working with clients involved in the criminal justice system and how screening for and treating ACEs will lead to successful re-entry of prisoners into the community and reduced recidivism for former offenders.


Reject more jail expansion and invest in prevention, re-entry (

Recently, when Gov. Jerry Brown warned of impending deficits and the perils of committing to new spending in his revised budget proposal, he failed to mention the one area in which he has been consistently profligate: his aggressive expansion of the state’s already vast system of imprisonment. The governor is proposing $250 million for county jail construction, on top of the $2.2 billion he has already poured into expanding county jails since 2008. More than 40 counties are already building...

Young Adult Court: Ending Mass Incarceration with Trauma Informed Criminal Justice

The last two decades have given rise to a body of research establishing that young adults are fundamentally different from both juveniles and older adults in how they process information and make decisions. The prefrontal cortex of the brain — responsible for our cognitive processing and impulse control — does not fully develop until the early to mid-20s. At the same time that young adults are going through this critical developmental phase, many find themselves facing adulthood without...

Early, Individualized Interventions Key to Reentry Success, Report Says []

Former offenders need timely, individualized reentry paths that focus on career development, a new report by ICF International says. Too often, the hundreds of thousands of people returning from prison each year are unable to find employment, a situation compounded by trouble securing housing, health care and transportation — all factors that increase the likelihood of recidivism. “All they’ve got is a criminal record. That’s all anyone can see,” said Brent Orrell, a family and economic...

Restorative Justice conference focuses on 'energy of healing' (

With crime and its aftermath often rippling through Monterey County , more than a hundred residents gathered at Hartnell College on Saturday to talk about how victims, offenders and the community can transform the negative effects of crime into positive solutions. Restorative justice is a system of criminal justice that focuses on rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community at large. The “ Restorative Justice Conference: Justice that Heals ” was hosted...

Ella Baker Truth and Reinvestment Justice Teams underway in 8 CA Counties

There are various forms of emergency preparedness for natural disasters. From an early age, one learns how to put out a fire, board up their home if a hurricane or tornado is coming, or drop under a desk if an earthquake hits—but low-income communities of color have little to no response to more frequent incidences of state violence in the streets and inside of jails. The Justice Teams for Truth and Reinvestment will be the local rapid response networks inside of eight different counties...

Rep. Kennedy Calls Juvenile Justice the Next Civil Rights Issue []

Rep. Joseph Kennedy III drew on the spirit of his grandfather Robert F. Kennedy this morning, casting juvenile justice as an urgent civil rights issue in a rousing and eloquent keynote address at the inaugural Probation System Reform Symposium . He applauded the 200-plus symposium attendees, many of them people who work with children in the system, for being on the front lines of this movement and putting reforms into place that de-emphasize punishment and throwing children deeper into the...

A Prosecutor's Vision for a Better Justice System (

I am a prosecutor. I believe in law and order. I am the adopted son of a police officer, a Marine and a hairdresser. I believe in accountability and that we should all be safe in our communities. I love my job and the people that do it. I just think that it's our responsibility to do it better. The staggering inefficiency is what drove me to criminal justice work. The unfairness of it all made me want to be a defender. The power dynamic that I came to understand made me become a prosecutor.

A Federal Judge’s New Model for Forgiveness (

Should a judge care what happens, years down the road, to the defendants convicted in his courtroom? In 2003, John Gleeson, a federal district judge in Brooklyn, presided over the trial of a woman charged for her role in faking a car accident for the insurance payments. After a jury found her guilty, Judge Gleeson sentenced the woman to 15 months in prison. Many judges might leave it at that, but in an extraordinary 31-page opinion released on March 7, Judge Gleeson stepped back into the...

One professor's fight to help the children of incarcerated parents []

When I was ten years old my father, a lawyer, was incarcerated. He was what some people call a "white collar criminal" and spent two years in prison. Because I come from a loving family and because my family had other supports and privileges (i.e. we were white and middle class in a community that rewarded both), my siblings and I fared well despite of my father's incarceration. And so for a long time, decades, really, I didn't discuss my father's history. I didn't know anyone else who had...

Culpeper conversation continues about impacts of childhood stress []

Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court Judge Frank Somerville believed at the start of his career that incarceration was a primary solution to societal ills. One of the things that you thought you could do is jail your way out of the problems. If you just put everybody in jail, everybody would get cured, we wouldnt have any more problems, Culpeper would be safer and wed save money, he said during a panel discussion last week at the State Theatre about the societal impacts of trauma. On the...

Lessons from Five Years of Accelerating Change []

National Campaign to Reform State Juvenile Justice Systems After two decades of funding cutting-edge research on adolescent behavioral and brain development and pioneering new juvenile justice practice models, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation decided to reinforce those successes with a more direct approach to promoting systemic policy reforms. The Foundation launched the National Campaign to Reform State Juvenile Justice Systems (National Campaign) in in November 2010. This...

Municipal Courts: An Effective Tool for Diverting People with Mental and Substance Use Disorders from the Criminal Justice System [SAMHSA's GAINS Center]

In November, SAMHSA has released a new guide, "Municipal Courts: An Effective Tool for Diverting People with Mental and Substance Use Disorders from the Criminal Justice System," that provides information on the role of municipal courts as an early intervention point for diverting persons with behavioral health conditions from the criminal justice system and into treatment. Developed by SAMHSA's GAINS Center, this guide describes the benefits and challenges as well as four essential elements...

OJJDP Announces Family Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Funding Opportunity [SAMHSA's GAINS Center]

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is seeking applications for funding under its OJJDP fiscal year (FY) 2016 Family Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Program. This program furthers the Department's mission by supporting training and technical assistance that helps states, state and local courts, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments develop, maintain, and enhance...

Illinois Supreme Court establishes uniform standards, certification process for problem-solving courts []

The Illinois Supreme Court has announced the creation of uniform standards and a certification and application process for problem-solving courts across the state. Madison County Circuit Court is host to at least two such courts - one for veterans and a newly established one designed to help parents struggling to make child support payments.  Statewide standards will bring uniformity, accountability and administrative oversight to problem solving courts in Illinois, where there are...

President Obama issued an executive order "banning the box" for federal government employees. (

Earlier today, President Obama issued an executive order "banning the box" for federal government employees. What does this mean? Well, you know how on job applications, there's sometimes a little box that asks whether or not you've been convicted of a crime ? With the wave of a pen, Obama just ordered that box to be removed from applications for jobs within the federal government, saying, "We can't dismiss people out of hand simply because of a mistake they made in the past." The...

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