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PACEs in the Criminal Justice System

Discussion and sharing of resources in working with clients involved in the criminal justice system and how screening for and treating ACEs will lead to successful re-entry of prisoners into the community and reduced recidivism for former offenders.

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of synthesizing resources and best practices for trauma-informed services for formerly incarcerated populations.  I am specifically interested in community-based mental health and substance abuse treatment services, housing related assistance, job-training assistance, and case management and civil legal services.  Do any of you have good examples or models of trauma-informed care for these types of services, specifically for formerly incarcerated youth or adults?  I know it is a broad topic.  Would love any resources that you know of and want to share.

Thank you!



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Stephanie Guinosso posted:

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of synthesizing resources and best practices for trauma-informed services for formerly incarcerated populations.  I am specifically interested in community-based mental health and substance abuse treatment services, housing related assistance, job-training assistance, and case management and civil legal services.  Do any of you have good examples or models of trauma-informed care for these types of services, specifically for formerly incarcerated youth or adults?  I know it is a broad topic.  Would love any resources that you know of and want to share.

Thank you!



Hi Stephanie - in Lancaster County, PA, we have been working over the past several years to "build the foundation for a trauma-informed criminal justice system". We started by providing the following trainings for criminal justice professionals, using nationally developed curricula:

1) trained entire staff of our county prison and entire staff of our county adult probation & parole department using SAMHSA's "How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses" (400 CO's and PO's trained to date) -

2) trained law enforcement with a 2-hour module on trauma, ACEs research, neuroscience of trauma & resilience that we have added to the week-long Crisis Intervention Trainings (CIT) that we do here for law enforcement. (over 100 officers trained to date with our added trauma module as part of CIT)

3) trained law enforcement with a 2-hour course from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) titled "Safeguarding Children of Arrested Parents"  (over 200 officers trained to date) 

We are now looking at SAMHSA's curriculum for trauma-informed courts - titled "How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Judicial Decision-Making" - 

I know this is a somewhat different angle on what you may have been looking for, but wanted to provide the links to these training curricula in case it's helpful.  Best regards,


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