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PACEs in Higher Education


Looking for a guidance and support to introduce ACEs study in Bhutan

I am looking for a volunteer to help develop ACEs study project in Bhutan. Seeing the benefits of ACEs study, me and my organization recently have developed the keen interest to introduce it in Bhutan. We would like to start with small scale research on the ACEs in Bhutan and for the same we are looking for an interested volunteer with background expertise. currently, Bhutan is totally novice with ACEs study. anyone with ACEs study background who would like to do Volunteer work (on...

This Trail-Blazing Suburb has Tried for 60 Years to Tackle Race. What if Trying Isn't Enough? []

By Laura Meckler, The Washington Post, October 11, 2019 It’s an article of faith in this Cleveland suburb: If any place can navigate the complex issues of race in America, it’s Shaker Heights. Sixty years ago, black and white families came together to create and maintain integrated neighborhoods. The school district began voluntary busing in 1970, and boundary lines were drawn to make schools more integrated. Student groups dedicated themselves to black achievement, race relations and...

Trauma-Informed Educators Network Podcast

I am please to announce that the Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast is live and currently has episodes featuring Jim Sporleder, Claudia Roodt, and Ingrid Cockhren. The podcast was established out of the Trauma Informed Schools Network, a Facebook group with nearly 17,000 members from 100+ different countries. The network is designed to connect educators and practitioners around the world to share ideas, gain new ideas, and share resources! Here is the podcast:...

What's Your Role in Addressing Mental Health? []

By Catherine Munn, University Affairs, October 11, 2019 Mental health is one of the most important issues facing youth and society at large. If universities are not rallying everyone from every corner of their campus to solve this problem, they are ignoring the canary in the coal mine, at their peril. They will also not be helping to solve the issues of critical importance to their communities and their country, at their peril. Children and youth are our truth-tellers, whether or not we are...

Survey Finds Evidence of Widespread Sexual Violence at 33 Universities []

By Nick Anderson, Susan Svrluga, and Scott Clement, The Washington Post, October 14, 2019 About one-quarter of undergraduate women say they have been victims of sexual touching or penetration without consent since starting college, according to a survey this year on sexual assault and misconduct at 33 major universities. The survey released Tuesday was the second from the Association of American Universities in recent years to document the disturbing prevalence of sexual violence at...

For life’s big questions, Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns try a scientific approach (

Where do compassion and empathy come from? What makes life sentient? Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns have grappled with these questions for centuries but, for the first time in their history, they are using science to help find the answers. This summer, as they have the past several years, professors from across the United States and elsewhere are traveling to three major Tibetan monastic universities in Southern India to train monastics in the philosophy of science, physics, biology, and...

The new face of Sacramento’s affordable housing crisis: College students forced to drop out (

Going to college is tough for many students under normal circumstances. But for tens of thousands of young Californians today, it’s beyond difficult. It’s financially and physically perilous. Faced with tuition escalation and fast-rising rents – particularly in Sacramento – higher-education students find themselves struggling to get a decent night’s sleep, find permanent shelter and put food in their stomach so they can focus enough in class to make it to graduation. Nearly 40 percent of...

Black men make up only 2% of teachers in the US. A group named 'Call Me MISTER' wants to change that (

Black men make up 2% of teachers in the US, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. The same goes for Hispanic male teachers. Meanwhile, the student population is far more diverse and getting more so. White enrollment in public schools fell from 61% in 2000 to 49% in 2015, according to the US Department of Education. Research shows that for minority children, having at least one teacher that looks likes them is a key to their success, said Roy Jones, a professor at Clemson...

What It Really Feels Like To Have A Mental Health Problem At University (

Research released earlier this month found that students at some universities were waiting as long as 84 days for mental health support, and the most up-to-date research from YouGov found that one in four students suffers with a mental health problem. The same research found that while many universities spend upwards of Dhs 4.6 million on mental health services, others have less than half of that budgeted for student well-being. Some could not even provide a number for how much they spent on...

Families, Not Just Students, Feel The Weight Of The Student Loan Crisis []

By Elissa Nadworny, National Public Radio, September 4, 2019 For many college students settling into their dorms this month, the path to campus — and paying for college — started long ago. And it likely involved their families. The pressure to send kids to college, coupled with the realities of tuition, has fundamentally changed the experience of being middle class in America, says Caitlin Zaloom, an anthropologist and associate professor at New York University. It's changed the way that...

Resilient College Students

As a person with an ACE score of 9, I look back on the years that I did not function "normally." My freshman year of college . I could only imagine what life was like for the students that I saw a regular basis. My fabulous Intern from North Carolina Central University (NCCU) and my awesome CollegeTRY facilitator surveyed students about their level of RESILIENCE. They developed a forum with the assistance of the NCCU Department of Pubic Health Education. Resilient NCCU Video Achieving Health...

College Board Drops Its 'Adversity Score' For Each Student After Backlash []

By Bobby Allyn, National Public Radio, August 27, 2019 The College Board is dropping its plan to give SAT-takers a single score that captures a student's economic hardship. The change comes after blowback from university officials and parents of those taking the college admissions exam. Announced in May, the "adversity score" was intended to assess the kind of neighborhood the student came from, including factors such as the portion of students receiving free or reduced lunch, the level of...

How We Build Resilience At College And At Home []

By Marvin Krislov, Forbes, August 27, 2019 There is a mental health crisis on America’s college campuses. Increasingly, today’s students are lonely. More and more of them are anxious. Many are experiencing depression. And that’s leading them to college counseling centers at ever-increasing rates. One major recent study showed that 75% of current college students say they need help for emotional or mental health problems. Most colleges and universities are determined to support their students...

Georgia Health Students Plan Trauma Informed Care Training Day, Oct. 19, 2019

Home to the Center for Disease Control, Atlanta is a city full of great minds focused on all issues related to public health. Despite this, a group of students and faculty at neighboring health professional schools including Emory School of Medicine, Emory’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Georgia State University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Mercer University School of Medicine, and the Medical College of Georgia at August University, found that education and awareness around one...

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