The CDC guidelines titled "Interim Considerations for Infection Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Inpatient Obstetric Healthcare Settings" have been updated to clarify considerations related to visitors and essential support persons to pregnant women who have known or suspected COVID-19 infection; prioritized testing of pregnant women with suspected COVID-19 at admission or who develop symptoms of COVID-19 during admission; testing of infants with suspected COVID-19 and isolation from other healthy infants; and determination of whether to keep a mother with known or suspected COVID-19 and her infant together or separated after birth on a case-by-case basis, using shared decision-making between the mother and the clinical team. The CDC webpage titled "Pregnancy and Breastfeeding" has been updated and adapted to reflect new information in an easier to understand format, including an affirmative statement on breastfeeding and COVID-19.

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