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PACEs in Maternal Health


Maternal and Child Health Journal Call for Papers: The ACE Study: Implications for MCH Policy and Practice

Findings of the ACE Study have had a swift and substantial impact on MCH policy, practice and research. This issue of the journal is intended to provide a forum to enhance knowledge of the Study and its implications across the field. Topics of interest include: The aims and findings of the ACE Study, The implications of the Study and use of Study findings to shape MCH practice in clinical, program and policy settings, The import of the Study in relation to life course theory and the social...

Beyond Mom: Postpartum depression can impact a partner’s well-being, too []

Like any expecting couple, Brett Pipitone and his wife, Laura, knew that having a child would upend their daily routine. But no research or planning prepared them for their biggest challenge: postpartum depression. “It was an incredibly stressful situation,” Brett said. After giving birth to their daughter in 2014, Laura found herself “wanting to disappear” and completely disengaged from her surroundings. She’d call Brett at work in tears, and he’d rush home to help. He wound up taking much...

Busy moms, Busy parents - engage your senses - a meditation aid?

Many of us forget that emotions are one of our sensory systems. Like smell, pressure, sight and hearing, it can go offline and need help to reset. When you are tired, hurting, thirsty, hot, your emotions get disregulated too. A reset (or regulating your senses) can help throughout the day. I just stumbled on the concept of meditation aids. If you're a busy mom or dad, consider an app that prompts you to stop and check in. Close your eyes and listen to a bell ring until it disappears. Those...

An Insurance Penalty From Postpartum Depression []

In January, a government-appointed panel recommended that all pregnant women and new mothers be screened for depression . Public health advocates rejoiced, as did untold numbers of women who had not known that maternal mental illness even existed before it hit them like a freight train. But the panel did not mention one possible consequence of a diagnosis: Life and disability insurance providers have sometimes penalized women with these mental illnesses by charging them more money, excluding...

A good New Year's Resolution: Moms need to remember themselves.

Love this table top conversation between Jada Pinkett Smith, her daughter and mother. Take home message... If you're a mom, don't forget who YOU are to yourself. You weren't always a mom. Your kids need to see this part of you so that they will remember to value themselves when they become parents.  If you have a mom, remind her she's also a beautiful woman.  If you're a partner, help her to find a safe, stress free opportunity to reinvest and rediscover herself. Moms have a...

Should you bring your unborn to work?

Moms are maxed out. Pregnant moms are maxed out, especially for many families who survived the economic recession because many women hold more recession proof jobs. But stress, especially for the pregnant woman isn't such a great thing for the unborn,...

Our future mothers...

In keeping with the spirit of what 2020MOM launched last week at their Spring Forum in LA...let's begin to make the connection between how Adverse Childhood Events impact our future mothers in terms of mental health. If we want our kids to be okay,...

What if?

How about incorporating the  10 item Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACE) form into a prenatal visit . A mother's ACE score may help guide providers in determining if a woman's pregnancy is at higher or lower risk for complications. And...

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