Rutgers, Released May 4, 2020, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
Rutgers professor and medical school student collaborating on research touched by pandemic.
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School student Paul Lavadera expected his career would put him on the front lines of dealing with medical emergencies.
But he never could have imagined he'd be graduating during the biggest global pandemic in a century when he joined forces two years ago with Tracey Shors, Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, on a study to find out whether aerobic exercise and meditation would reduce stress and improve the quality of life for medical students like him.
Now Lavadera, who begins a four-year emergency medicine residency on June 29 at a COVID-19 only hospital in Brooklyn and Shors, who thinks she may have battled a case of the coronavirus, are using the stress-reducing technique taught to RWJMS medical school students to help them each deal with the anxiety and uncertainty left in the path of the crisis.
"I am isolating alone in my apartment and keeping myself up to date on the evolving guidelines on treatments and recommendations regarding COVID19, but I'm making a conscious decision to avoid sensational and minute-by-minute news," says Lavadera who will split his time between two Brooklyn hospitals - Kings County Hospital in Flatbush and SUNY Downstate Medical Center, one of only three New York hospitals treating COVID-19 only patients. "I am working out, mediating and doing the training program that I helped to promote to medical school students. I think it keeps me afloat and helps to keep my stress level down."
[Please click here to read the full article.]

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