Join Dr. Stephanie Covington and the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation for a free webinar addressing woman, substance use and trauma.
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Over the past forty years our knowledge of women’s lives has increased dramatically, and we have added significantly to our understanding of the treatment needs of women with substance use disorders. Based on the Women’s Integrated Treatment model developed by Dr. Covington, this webinar discusses the integration of the foundational theories: addiction, women’s psychological development, and trauma. As the creator of the original definition of gender-responsive services, Dr. Covington also shares an updated definition as well as the current knowledge on the relationship between addiction and trauma. Resources for the development of women’s services are provided including a discussion of women and The Twelve Steps.
- Historical overview
- Theoretical integration
- The addiction-trauma connection (ACEs)
- Updated gender information including language and definition of gender responsive
- Resources for developing comprehensive services for women
- Discuss the history of women’s treatment
- Integrate current theoretical perspectives
- Update gender information including language and definitions
- Integrate trauma and addiction treatment
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A certificate of completion will be awarded for attending this event. Please note this event is not approved for continuing education (CE) credit. The participant is responsible to verify if this activity meets their continuing education board requirements in order to gain credit.

Stephanie S. Covington, PhD, LCSW, is an internationally recognized clinician, author, lecturer, and organizational consultant. With over 35 years of experience, she is noted for her pioneering work in the design and implementation of gender-responsive and trauma-informed treatment services in public, private, and institutional settings. She is the author of numerous books, as well as 10 research-based, manualized treatment curricula including, Beyond Trauma: A Healing Journey for Women, Exploring Trauma: A Brief Intervention for Men, Healing Trauma: A Brief Intervention for Women, Voices: A Program for Girls and the co-author of Moving from Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Responsive: A Training Program for Organizational Change.
For the past 25 years, Dr. Covington has worked to help institutions and programs in the criminal justice system develop effective gender-responsive services. She has provided training and consulting services to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the Ministries of Justice in England, Scotland and Switzerland, the Correctional Service of Canada, and in the US, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the National Institute of Corrections, as well as many state and local jurisdictions. In addition, she helped to design women’s services at the Betty Ford Center and was the featured therapist on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) TV show entitled Breaking Down the Bars. She is the co-director of the Institute for Relational Development and the Center for Gender & Justice located in La Jolla, California.

Marketing Manager, Event Moderator
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
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