10/23/14 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Online Webinar (EST) About This Event Act Early Forum Webinar: Healthy Beginnings System of Care Project Tuesday, October 23, 2014, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET
Webinar Description: Please join the next Act Early Webinar as we welcome Susan Bertonaschi, Director of Health Promotion at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, to introduce the Healthy Beginnings System of Care project. This project was designed to address the goal of helping young children become and stay healthy, develop well, and thrive socially and emotionally in order to achieve academic success. Ms. Bertonaschi and Healthy Beginnings Health Navigator, Johnnie Thomas, RN, from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, will describe this wrap-around model which provides health education, navigation, and developmental screening and links families to health, educational and social support services. A Webinar from AUCD’s Act Early Network. Please Note:
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