Hey everyone, here's a great story about how San Diego County made its awesome progress towards becoming trauma informed. Maybe it can give us some pointers on how we can do the same in Alameda.
This is a story of how, in six short years, a relatively small group of people inspired, motivated, and induced a community to turn the approach to helping children and adults who experience domestic violence, mental illness, substance abuse, and youth violence upside down and inside out.
Specifically, they helped the San Diego social and behavioral health services community integrate the understanding of how childhood adversity figures into all of our social problems, and how trauma-informed and resilience-building practices can solve them. And they did this all on a volunteer basis, with practically no funding, and with the loosest of organizations.
To read the rest of this article by Jane Stevens, go to: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...d-path-to-resilience
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