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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesBounce Coalition (KY)

Bounce Coalition (KY)

Bounce is a coalition of community partners working together to build the resiliency of children, adults, and families by improving knowledge about the impact of ACEs and the skills to help people bounce back from adversity. We do this by: educating and training; measuring impact; and advocating for policies that support trauma-informed communities.


A Kaiser pediatrician, wise to ACEs science for years, finally gets to use it

Dr. Suzanne Frank has known about the impact of childhood adversity on young lives for decades. She’s seen the fallout in the faces of young people huddled in beds at a children’s shelter where she worked years ago. She’s seen it as the regional child abuse services and champion for the Permanente Medical Group. And she’s seen it in hospital examination rooms where, as a member of the Santa Clara County’s Sexual Assault Response Team, she’s been called in to examine shell-shocked children...

ACEs science can prevent school shootings, but first people have to learn about ACEs science

The shooting in Florida isn’t only a gun regulation issue. It’s a systems change issue. All of our systems have to change their approach to changing behavior — whether it’s criminal, unhealthy or unwanted behavior — from a blame, shame and punishment approach, to one that is based in understanding, nurturing and healing….in other words, ACEs science.

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