ACEs warriors from Butte, Humboldt, Del Norte, Siskiyou, Shasta, Tehama, Mendocino and Lake Counties came together in Oroville on Tuesday to hone our skills in developing concise messaging about ACEs and childhood trauma. The event was put on by the Berkeley Media Studies Group,, and the Lucille Packard Foundation, and the California Department of Public Health Essentials for Childhood Project. The amazing team of presenters put together a fast-paced data-filled agenda where attendees got to learn about how to access their local data and how to use that data to organize ACEs and trauma messaging, and to practice how to deliver the right message to the right listener, by the right person. Big stuff! Our next steps in Butte will be to take what our representatives learned to our larger collaborative and start to actually refine our message- something we’ve been wanting to do for a really long time. It’s exciting to feel like we are getting to a place where we can put the ink on a messaging campaign and start to lay the foundation to the rest of the community about the importance of understanding ACEs, childhood trauma, and most importantly, kindness and resilience.

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