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California PACEs Action

A Better Normal Friday, March 26, 2021: PACEs and HOPE with Dr. Christina Bethell, Dr. Baraka Floyd, & Dr. Robert Sege


Please join us for our next installment of A Better Normal, our live webinar series in which we imagine and create our society as trauma-informed! You may have seen we changed our name recently from ACEs Connection to PACEs Connection. Please join us to learn all about the groundbreaking research of Positive Childhood Experiences and how this is going to transform the work we are all doing.

Read a detailed blog about the science of PACEs and the research being done by our guest speakers by @Natalie Audage by clicking here-->.

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PACEs and HOPE Live Event
Friday, March 26, 2021
Noon PT / 1pm MT / 2pm CT / 3pm ET
Duration: 1 hour

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Jane Stevens, our founder and publisher at ACEs Connection says: "We at ACEs Connection realized that looking only at ACEs wasn’t capturing what happens in our lives. And, although the knowledge of ACEs science liberated a lot of people by explaining their lives, it also depressed a lot of people if they weren’t provided information about resilience. And sometimes, even if they were, it wasn’t emphasized or explained sufficiently.

What popped me out from my stuck place between the rocks was the research that Dr. Christina Bethell, Jennifer Jones, Dr. Narangerel Gombojav, Dr. Jeff Linkenbach, and Dr. Robert Sege did on positive childhood experiences and published in 2019. They used data from Wisconsin’s ACE study to look at seven positive childhood experiences (PCEs) and found that positive childhood experiences show a dose-response association with depression and poor mental health, just as ACEs show a dose response. The more PCEs, the less depression; the more ACEs, the more depression. But here’s Bethell’s important conclusion: “Joint assessment of PCEs and ACEs may better target needs and interventions and enable a focus on building strengths to promote well being.”"

To read more about our name change and Positive Childhood Experiences science, click here-->

We hope (no pun intended) to give you a teaser to the upcoming HOPE Summit, sponsored by the HOPE National Resource Center at Tufts Children's Hospital, where some of the presenters will address the interplay between positive and adverse childhood experiences.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Christina Bethell


For the past 35 years Dr. Bethell has built her work and career around an intentional goal to catalyze health care and public health transformation at the policy, systems and practice levels. This has been driven by an unwavering focus on advancing a whole-person, whole-family and whole-community model of care that engages patients and the public, is transparent, continuously learning and collaborative. Dr. Bethell has been a national leader in the development of policy, practice and research applications of population health and systems performance measurement and family and community centered improvement methods. As founding director of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) and the National Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health (, a project supported through HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau, she has initiated and led the collaborative development, validation and national, state and local implementation and IT based public reporting of child, family and community health and health systems performance and outcomes.

Dr. Bethell has maintained a consistent focus on assessing and building knowledge related to positive health development, social and emotional well-being and family and community health. She also advocates for policy reform and is currently advocating for a positive health development, healing-centered and trauma informed approaches nationally and in state and local areas. Dr. Bethell is passionate about enabling data-driven partnerships and translating the new brain sciences, mindfulness and other mind-body methods to transform health and related services, with a focus on promoting self and community led healing, addressing childhood trauma, promoting positive health and advancing High Reliability Organizations. She earned an MBA and MPH from the University of California, Berkeley and a PhD in public policy from the University of Chicago.

Dr. Bethell's current areas of focus include:

1. Promoting early and lifelong health of children, families and communities using patient/family centered data and tools that inform and drive transformational partnerships, innovation and improved health and well-being nationally and in state and local areas.

2. Integrating the sciences of human development, neuroscience and thriving into the training and practice of medicine. Specifically, to advance a relationship-centered, positive construct of health that fully engages patients, families, youth and communities to impact the social, emotional and behavioral determinants of health and improve health outcomes.

3. Putting patients, families and communities at the center of health services quality measurement and improvement and population health and equity improvement.

4. Advancing payment, performance measurement and systems reform to support a transformed health care system focused on population health, equity and well-being at all levels

5. Building research and evidence based advocacy resources and building capacity of the workforce to advance continued knowledge and innovations effective in promoting a whole-person, whole-family and whole-community construct of health and well-being.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Sege


Co-Director, Stakeholder and Community Engagement; Lead Navigator
Tufts CTSI

Robert Sege, MD, PhD is a Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine, where he directs a new Center for Community-engaged Medicine. Dr. Sege is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that directly address the social determinants of health. He is a Senior Fellow at the Center for the Study of Social Policy in Washington and serves on the boards of the Massachusetts Children’s Trust and Prevent Child Abuse America. He has served on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect, and on its Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poisoning Prevention. He is a graduate of Yale College, and received his PhD in Biology from MIT and his MD from Harvard Medical School. Bob lives in the Boston area, where he and his wife Karen have raised three young adult children.

Dr Sege leads the HOPE – Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences National Resource Center.  Their mission is to develop approaches, grounded in science, that build from the formative role of positive experiences in human development to inspire fundamental changes in how we advance health and well-being for our children,  families, and communities.  For more information, see or download Spreading HOPE.

Check out HOPE: Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences by clicking here.

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Guest Speaker: Dr. Baraka D. Floyd


Baraka D. Floyd, MD, MSc is a pediatrician at Stanford School of Medicine and co-medical director of the Peninsula Family Advocacy Program, Stanford Children's Health's Medical-Legal Partnership. She has spearheaded local initiatives around post-partum/perinatal depression, behavioral health, educational supports, screening for and holistically addressing social determinants of health and diaper insecurity. Parallel to her local efforts, Dr. Floyd serves as a medical consultant for DULCE (Developmental Understanding and Legal Collaboration for Everyone) and consulting lead for MLPBs (formerly Medical Legal Partnership | Boston) Unlocking Access Learning Community, both focused on working upstream with patients, families, and care teams to address the social determinants of health.

Dr. Floyd is a graduate of the Morehouse School of Medicine and completed her residency at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford.


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  • bethell
  • Bob_Sege
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