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California PACEs Action

ACEs Aware in Action September Newsletter

Governor Newsom Unveils Partnership with Sesame Workshop for Back-to-School Public Service Announcements
We are excited to share four new back-to-school PSAs from the Sesame Workshop featuring Elmo, Oscar, and Grover. The PSAs are available in English and Spanish, and are designed as resources to help kids adjust to the changes in their school environments due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We know many of you have patients asking for resources to support children. Feel free to share these PSAs with your networks and through your respective social media channels.

Have you completed the ACEs Aware training?
Eligible Medi-Cal providers can receive a $29 payment for conducting each qualifying ACE screening for their patients up to age 65.
ACEs Aware offers a free, online training for providers interested in learning more about screening for ACEs and responding with trauma-informed care. Two Continuing Medical Education and Maintenance of Certification credits are available for completing the training. The training includes cases for pediatric, internal medicine, family medicine, and women’s health providers.
After providers take the training and complete the simple attestation form, they can file claims and receive Medi-Cal payments.
Please note that Medi-Cal payment is not available to providers who do not complete the attestation form; providers must confirm that they have completed the ACEs Aware training to receive payment.
For more information, visit the ACEs Aware Certification & Payment webpage.

Now Available: Provider Attestation Data
Entities that bill Medi-Cal may now submit a request for the list of providers that have completed the ACEs Aware training and are eligible to bill Medi-Cal. This attestation data should be used for program implementation purposes only, such as confirming that your participating providers have submitted an attestation form and are eligible to bill Medi-Cal. The Department of Health Care Services will release the First Name, Last Name, and National Provider Identifier (NPI) to approved requestors. Please complete the form to submit a request for this information.

ACEs Aware Grantee Update 
Over the past month, the ACEs Aware team convened with grantees by geographic region to share updates on current planning and past activities and identify possible collaboration opportunities. Grantees that are writing White Papers joined a call to share their expertise. The ACEs Aware team also continues to execute individual and group technical assistance regarding content development, communications strategies, and connecting grantees with ACE experts.

Mark Your Calendar for
September 30
Reserve your spot today for the September webinar, “Assessing Readiness & Building Resilience in the Clinical Workforce: A Foundation for ACE Screening Integration,” on Wednesday, September 30, from Noon to 1 p.m.
This webinar will provide strategies, promising practices, and resources to support clinical leadership and health care providers as they assess their organizational readiness, and build workforce resilience to successfully integrate Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) screening into clinical practice. 
Presenters will:
  • Define workforce resilience and trauma-informed principles and review resources and tools, including tips for reducing stress and burnout.
  • Share examples and lessons learned related to assessing staff readiness and building workforce infrastructure to support ACE screening.
  • Offer practical tips on how to prepare to successfully screen for ACEs and toxic stress, provide evidence-based interventions, and implement trauma-informed care.


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