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California PACEs Action

Addressing Community and Childhood Trauma []

In November 2018, Sacramento County was awarded a $100,000 strategic giving grant from Health Net of California. The purpose of this grant was to design training for use throughout Sacramento County departments and community agencies that address the impact of community childhood trauma and establish a standardized common language and definition of trauma.
With the help of grant funds and the leadership of Supervisor Phil Serna, Sacramento County created a multidisciplinary lead team composed of representatives from the following County departments and community agencies: Probation; Child, Family & Adult Services; Behavioral Health; Public Health; Human Assistance; Office of Education; WellSpace Health; La Familia; and Health Net.
The team researched the understanding of individuals currently employed by community providers and County departments on the impact of childhood trauma and trauma-informed care.
“It is critical that our dedicated social service professionals have the tools necessary to help vulnerable populations, especially our community’s kids," said First District Supervisor, Phil Serna. “Understanding the consequences from trauma gives our service providers insight to people’s lived experience so that assistance and interventions can be tailored accordingly.”
In consultation with Frank J Kros, M.S.W., J.D., of  Kros Learning Group, the team applied the information gathered to develop standardized training for use countywide. This universal curriculum, designed by Kros for adult learners, takes into account all disciplines in the helping professions, all levels of staff, and best research.
Though this is a complex topic, Kros developed the curriculum with simplicity in mind in order to reach a broad target audience. The curriculum addresses three main learning objectives:
  • What is Trauma?
  • Why Does Trauma Matter?
  • What Can We Do?
Throughout November 2020, Kros trained and certified 41 individuals embedded in County departments and community agencies to provide the Universal Trauma Informed Care education to their workforce and community-based partners. Rollout of the training throughout County departments and community agencies is expected in early 2021.


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