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California PACEs Action

Adult Reentry Grant Program (ARG): Proposals due November 1st.

The Adult Reentry Grant (ARG) Program was established through the Budget Act of 2018 (Senate Bill 840, Chapter 29, Statute of 2018) and appropriated $50,000,000 in funding for competitive awards to community-based organizations to support offenders formerly incarcerated in state prison. The Budget Act requires that funding be allocated as follows:

-$25 million be for rental assistance;
-$9.35 million to support the warm handoff and reentry of offenders transitioning from prison to communities; and
-$15 million for the rehabilitation of existing property or buildings for housing offenders released from prison.

The Budget Act of 2019 (Assembly Bill 74, Chapter 23, Statues of 2019) provided an additional $32,950,000 for the Adult Reentry Grant, to be split 50/50 between Rental Assistance and Warm Handoff.  Appropriations from the Budget Act of 2019 increased the total available funds for Rental Assistance and Warm Handoff projects as follows: Warm Hand-off/ Reentry: $25,001,250, and Rental Assistance: $40,651,250

The competitive bid process for the first two wo components, Rental Assistance and Warm Hand-Off Reentry Services are now complete.

A Request for Proposals was released for the third component, Rehabilitation of Existing Property or Buildings on September 12, 2019. Proposals are due to the BSCC on November 1, 2019. 

Click HERE: 

For information about the Adult Reentry Grant please contact Colleen Stoner, Field Representative, at

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