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California PACEs Action

Advancing Parenting


Visit  We are all about taking the long view when it comes to preventing child abuse.  What we mean is this.  Unsupportive and harmful parenting is a risk factor for child abuse.  That is...children who experience unsupportive and harmful parenting are at a greater risk for becoming adults who hurt children and others.

In an effort to prevent unsupportive and harmful parenting five, ten, twenty, fifty years down the road we are pioneering a new kind of parenting that reaches everyone, everywhere, all the time.  We began with fifty-one parenting norms bumper stickers.  The messages communicate parenting behaviors and practices generally recognized as supporting the healthy development of children.  The bumper stickers are free to individuals.  We do ask that businesses, organizations, and agencies pay for them.  They can be put in holders and placed on counters or tables so people can choose one or more for their cars.

The bumper stickers are a unique and powerful way to disseminate parenting information.  At stoplights drivers smile, nod, and give thumbs up.  If there are passengers you can see conversations begin and often a phone is used to take a picture of the sticker.  Presumably it is being shared on social media.  It's wonderful to watch.

The bumper stickers are very popular.  We have requests from across the U.S. and Canada for tens of thousands of them...mostly from child abuse prevention councils, family resource centers, pediatricians, and individuals.

Visit to see examples and learn about our big plans for the future. 



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