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California PACEs Action

Announcement: Technical Assistance Grant []


From California Department of Social Services, December 19, 2019

The California Department of Social Services’ (CDSS) Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) is pleased to announce the availability of funds for a Technical Assistance Program. The Technical Assistance Program will provide technical assistance (TA) to counties and prevention partners participating in collaborative child abuse and neglect prevention initiatives in California for fiscal years (FY) 2020-23.

The OCAP is seeking an applicant with the capacity and ability to provide geographically equitable statewide TA in best practices and/or promising practices to mitigate the major risk factors of child abuse and neglect and promote protective factors for families and communities. The goal of all TA is to build and strengthen child abuse and neglect prevention networks across the state of California via the support of collaborative county prevention initiatives.

Up to $1.5 million per year of federal and state funding will be available for the Technical Assistance Program for FY 2020-21, FY 2021-22, and FY 2022-23 with a grant period beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2023. The funding amount is provisional and contingent upon OCAP’s receipt of federal grant awards.

Please note that only the most current versions of CDSS/OCAP grant application forms will be accepted in the grant award application. Current application forms can be accessed on the CDSS website (CDSS) or in this Request for Applications (RFA). Applications with outdated forms will result in disqualification.
Submit the application package via email by January 22, 2020, to receive funding for FY 2020- 23 through the Technical Assistance Program. Instructions for electronically submission of the application package are included in the RFA. Should you have questions, please contact Carrie Szeto, Analyst, by email at

[Please click here for more information.]

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