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California PACEs Action

CA Surgeon General and DHCS Launch ACEs Aware Initiative and Website

Join a live webinar with
California Surgeon General
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
Dr. Karen Mark
Medical Director, Department of Health Care Services
for a Medi-Cal provider introduction to the new ACEs Aware Initiative and the website.
The Office of the California Surgeon General and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), in the first public unveiling of the initiative, will host a live webinar to share details of the new ACEs Aware Initiative for Medi-Cal providers on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 12:15 p.m., PT.
During the webinar, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and Dr. Karen Mark, Medical Director for DHCS, will share the approach for creating curriculum and training to prepare providers to screen for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and respond with trauma informed care. They will issue a call to action for Medi-Cal providers to join in the launch of this unprecedented initiative and share details about the larger strategy to ensure that all California communities are ACEs Aware.
Additionally, Dr. Burke Harris and Dr. Mark will explain how providers, beginning January 1, 2020, can collect payment for conducting ACEs screenings with their Med-Cal patients.
We invite you to join this inaugural ACEs Aware event. Don't wait, register today!
For questions or comments, please email the ACEs Aware team.
*Note if you are unable to join tbe webinar, it will be recorded and shared here on ACEs Connection.

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Thanks Jaime. I did learn what has been decided and rolled out, and who has been selected to be on the advisory committees. It's an amazing amount of work in a short time. It would be great to have more transparency about how diverse voices can participate in decision making and design, as it feels like a pretty closed circle. I appreciate your offer to connect, and will take you up on it. Thank you! 

Hi Sarah, thank you for your comment, and for all your work on Resilient Napa. FYI, there will be some additional information available about different stakeholders who have been involved to date in the activities surrounding ACEs Aware on on December 4th. In the interim, would you like to touch base one-on-one about the lessons in Napa? Harbage Consulting is contracted with the state to help develop trainings for the longer term, and I think your input would be very valuable. If this is of interest, feel free to email me:

Has anyone been able to determine the stakeholder input opportunities with respect to the development by DHCS, the OSG, and HHSA of the ACEs screening and training process? I think it's critical people with expertise have a chance to provide information before policies and practices are rolled out, and I would expect some transparency and equity around those opportunities. I haven't been successful with any of those agencies in learning more. Have you?

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