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California PACEs Action

CA Youth Mental Health Hospitalizations Up 50 Percent Since 2007 []


Between 2007-2015, the rate of youth mental health hospitalizations rose by 50 percent, according to the latest data available on Kidsdata. In seven counties, the rate grew during this time period by more than 100 percent. Fresno county had, by far, the most drastic rise, at 241 percent.

Similarly, both California and the US have begun seeing a rise in self-inflicted injury hospitalizations among youth in recent years. Between 2009-2014, the national rate of self-inflicted injury hospitalizations among youth age 5-20 jumped by 88 percent. During the same time period, the rate jumped 17 percent in California. San Mateo County had one of the highest rates in California, with 71 hospitalizations per 100,000 youth.

The vast majority of emotional health problems begin in adolescence and young adulthood, with half of all disorders starting by age 14. Experts recommend shifting from a focus on prevention and treatment of mental illness to promoting mental wellness. Mental health is influenced by socioeconomic, biological, and environmental factors, and promoting positive emotional health requires coordinated, cross-sector strategies that target underlying causes.

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