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California PACEs Action

California’s Children and Youths’ System of Care: An Agenda to Transform Promises Into Practice


GK note: Check out a new report from Patrick Gardner, Founder of Young Minds Advocacy. See a critique of the report from Scott Bryant-Comstock of the Children's Mental Health Network (which is a good weekly blog if want to stay current on these issues:

Patrick Gardner, Founder of Young Minds Advocacy. has written an excellent report on the state of the child mental health delivery system in California. If there ever was a blueprint for a systems of care approach, this is it. Gardner chronicles the complexities of the myriad of moving parts in the delivery of mental health care in California. Amidst some bright spots, there is a clear need for better coordination of care, using a shared Wraparound Practice Model for all multi-system involved youth, and ensuring that funds and resources follow the child. Gardner includes several other recommendations in the report that will be familiar to system of care aficionados. We need more assessments like this written by children's mental health advocates who are not specifically part of a system of care grant. Gardner offers a blueprint for action that other states may want to replicate to reinforce the importance of a systems of care approach to improving services and supports for children with mental health challenges and their families.

LINK HERE for full report.

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