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California PACEs Action

Community Profiles from selected CA ACEs Initiatives and Programs

CA communities and organizations from across the state shared information about their trauma informed and resilience building initiatives at the Child Adversity Policymaker Awareness Day on July 11, 2017 in Sacramento. The event, organized by 4CA (California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity),  educated state legislators about the impacts of child adversity across the lifecourse and strategies for preventing ACEs, healing trauma and creating resilient communities.

A series of fourteen community profiles (see below) were distributed as handouts during visits to legislators and their staff. Participants in the meetings reported that “eyes lit up” when the information about local initiatives was shared—it made a real impact to provide specific local data and highlight how trauma-informed and resilience building strategies were being implemented in the legislators’ own district.

Two basic types of profiles were created representing geographic communities and organizational initiatives One included information about community-wide ACEs science initiatives and the other focused on organizations that have integrated ACEs science into programs around a specific issue or constituency such as youth engagement, re-entry or restorative practices. 

Attached, please find the Community Profiles representing the counties of Butte, Los Angeles, Orange, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, Sonoma and Yolo. Also attached are descriptions of selected organizations: National Conflict Resolution Center, SAY San Diego, Youth Empowerment and Youth Voice. 

We encourage you to create your own profile and have attached below a "How To" guide for creating a Community Profile.  Once  you have created your own profile, please share it as a comment to this post. We'd like to collect profiles of ACEs initiatives and ACEs science & trauma informed organizations from all communities and organizations across the state!

The editable Community Profiles are attached and you can create your own geographic or organizational initiative handout.

Community Profiles are an excellent resource. As a handout during conferences, welcoming new members on your initiative, emailing colleagues interested in learning more, and to include in orientations, grants, etc., they are a great tool for communication, education, and advocacy!


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