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California PACEs Action

Did you know ACEs Connection has a Speakers & Trainers Bureau?


The ACEs Connection Speakers & Trainers Bureau allows you to search for ACEs & Trauma-informed speakers & trainers! You can locate speakers & trainers in your local area on the Map tab and access their speaker/trainer profile pages, allowing you to message them directly. Speakers & trainers are organized into 15+ different sectors(such as faith based, education, youth organizations, ect.), with many more subsections to also sort by. So far, we have speakers & trainers all over the United States, as well as in the United Kingdom.

To access the Speakers & Trainers Bureau, click the 'Speakers/Trainers" button in the middle of the top blue navigation bar! Or, access it here

Each dot represents a speaker or a trainer, once you click on the dot you are able to see more information about the person and their specific field. 

Interested in being a part of the Speakers & Trainers Bureau? Fill out the application!


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