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California PACEs Action

Education Upended: Talking Out of Turn presents: "All Schools, Community Schools" with special guest Dr. Hayin Kimner


Please join us for our new series Education Upended: Talking Out of Turn. This monthly series will feature a conversation facilitated by Lara Kain, PACEsConnection Education Consultant, with special guests on education related current events and hot topics. We will use a trauma-informed and PACEs science aware lens to examine what is going on K-12 education, what needs changing, and strategies being used in the field to disrupt harmful policies and make positive changes in the system.

January Session, Thursday, January 27th, 12-1:30 pm PST- Join us as we discuss "All Schools, Community Schools" with special guest Dr. Hayin Kimner, Project Director of the CA Community Schools Learning Exchange

What is a community school?

"A community school reflects a β€œwhole child” school improvement strategy where districts and their schools work closely with teachers, students and families, and partner with community agencies and local government to align community resources behind improving student outcomes. With this approach, schools partner with students, families, educators, and community agencies and local government to provide an integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement. Many operate year-round, morning to evening, and serve children and adults. Many community schools serve neighborhoods where economic and social barriers to learning are prevalent.
Community Schools strengthen human relationships and reform inadequate education practices and policies to achieve meaningful, equitable, and sustainable change for school communities" (CSLX)

About The CA Community Schools Learning Exchange (CSLX) :

The CA Community Schools Learning Exchange (CSLX) works with local communities and municipalities to strengthen community school strategies to support equity, whole child approaches to teaching and learning, partnerships with community advocates and youth-serving public agencies, and a comprehensive system of evidence-based continuous improvement.

About Hayin:

Hayin Kimner is an independent consultant working on research, evaluation, and policy advocacy efforts to advance educational equity. She is an educational practitioner, researcher and evaluator, with a focus on community-based programs and partnerships that support the healthy development of youth and their communities.

Hayin has led the development of District and citywide community school partnership strategies in San Francisco Unified and Emery Unified School Districts. While at the John W. Gardner Center at Stanford University (JGC), she co-facilitated the evaluation of multiple community and school-based project initiatives with an emphasis on collaborative, theory-based, qualitative research methods that engaged community partners in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and San Francisco counties. She is actively connected to community schools initiatives and practitioners across the country.

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