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California PACEs Action

Equity on the Mall


On behalf of the San Joaquin Valley Health Fund (SJVHF), we invite you to join state legislative and community leaders in a day of advocacy entitled Equity on the Mall, taking place on February 9 at our state capitol in Sacramento.

Thursday, February 9

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

California State Capitol

1315 10th Street, Sacramento

The day will include a powerful program at the West Steps of the Capitol on the movement being built in the San Joaquin Valley. Highlights will include remarks by elected representatives and community leaders, music, spoken word and an equity platform on some of the most pressing issues impacting communities in the San Joaquin Valley.

Join community residents, nonprofit leaders and allies as we take the next big step to ensure a more equitable and just society by coming come together across issue areas, counties and races. Bus transportation is available and options are on the registration form.

Please register each participant online by February 1.

You will receive details before the event, including bus departure time and location from your county.

Concurrently, there will be an indoor briefing in California State Capitol Room 4202 to release the report, California’s San Joaquin Valley: A Region and its Children Under Stress. Limited seating is available, but all are welcome to attend. This report was commissioned by the SJVHF, with funding from  W. K. Kellogg Foundation and Sierra Health Foundation, and prepared by the UC Davis Center for Regional Change and Pan Valley Institute. The report documents disparities and the effects they have on the lives and life chances of families raising children in the region, who will thrive only when systems and policies are changed to be more equitable. 

We look forward to a powerful day where we lift up health and racial equity. By standing together, we are building a movement that is nimble and flexible in its fight for justice for all.

See attached for more details.  Please e-mail any questions to Amparo Cid, Program Officer for the San Joaquin Valley Health Fund. 


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