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California PACEs Action

Genentech Call for Grants Notification: Advancing the Science behind Childhood Adversity


From email announcement sent by Genentech:

There is much to learn about the science behind childhood adversity, its impact on health and development, and strategies to prevent and address it. As part of our mission and commitment to supporting groundbreaking science, Genentech invites innovative research proposals to advance understanding of childhood adversity, its impacts, and solutions to address it.

Strong proposals will: 

  • Strengthen understanding of how to define and measure childhood adversity and toxic stress, and its impacts, from a biological, developmental, and public health perspective 
  • Validate and build the evidence base for strategies to address childhood adversity, grounded in the pediatric medical home and with the potential to be scaled and reimbursed
  • Identify and address other critical research gaps in improving care quality, health, and developmental outcomes for young children at risk of or exposed to adversity 
  • Deepen understanding of how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma, and toxic stress impact health and developmental trajectory, and our ability to deliver high-quality healthcare for all

Read the full call for grants notification to learn more about eligibility, grant guidelines and how to apply.

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