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California PACEs Action

How do you tell the story of a huge early childhood program over time? []


Thanks — for nothing, Mr. Reiner.

When I started my reporting on the 20th anniversary of California’s Proposition 10 — now known as First 5 — I fully expected to have filmmaker Rob Reiner’s quotations and retrospective as a central piece of the package. After all, he was the sponsor of the ballot measure that created the tobacco tax-funded system for programs serving young children from birth to age 5. And, he welcomed me into his Beverly Hills office for an interview when the measure was on the ballot. So I certainly expected to have the same access to him this time around.

But he turned me down. While Reiner is an essential part of the First 5 story, I learned, however, that there was much to tell without him — way too much to tell, and I’m honored that the Center for Health Journalism awarded me a fellowship to investigate the impact of the system over time.

[For more on this story by Linda R Jacobson, go to https://www.centerforhealthjou...ime-start-these-tips]

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