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California PACEs Action

How Trauma Affects the Body: Reflections from Dr. Eric Ball []


By Eric H. Ball, ACEs Aware, March 15, 2021

Our four-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Everly, was recently killed.

Everly was an amazing dog and a true member of our family. She was well-trained and worked as a therapy dog at our local church. She especially liked the days when she would visit homeless or foster children. Everly slept in the same bed as our 12-year-old daughter. She was a great “big sister” to our 4-month-old puppy, who came to us just six weeks before Everly died. Most of all, Everly loved going on walks and “saying hello” to the neighborhood dogs. In a cruel twist of fate, she was killed on one of those walks.

It was a Saturday evening, just before dinner, and my wife took the two dogs out on our usual walking route. Halfway through, a large dog and his owner came walking toward them in the opposite direction. As they passed, the dog lunged forward and grabbed Everly by the head and neck and shook her violently. My wife witnessed the entire event and called for me and my son. I ran down the street to find Everly sitting in my wife’s lap wrapped in a kind neighbor’s blanket, paralyzed and gasping for breath. We quickly drove her to the emergency veterinarian, but she died in my arms on the way. I heard her last breath and felt her final heartbeat.

[Please click here to read more.]

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