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California PACEs Action

Making Mental Health Needs a Priority []


By Anna Schussler, The Daily Journal, December 26, 2019

When San Carlos resident Suzanne Hughes formed a nonprofit offering mental health services four years ago, she started out with just three interns and a mission to make them affordable and accessible to anyone who might need them.

Trained as a marriage and family therapist, Hughes drew from more than 20 years of mental health experience to identify what she saw as the most pressing mental health needs and build programs to address them. Having worked with seniors through a San Mateo County Health program designed for older adults, Hughes said exploring ways to play music with seniors who have dementia came naturally as a place to start for the nonprofit, called One Life Counseling.

But it was only a matter of time before the nonprofit’s services grew to include private practice offices for individual therapy in several Peninsula cities and school-based programs in San Carlos, Belmont and Redwood City. Though her nonprofit has grown to a staff of 46 therapists working to address a range of mental health needs, Hughes has maintained a focus on finding those who need care and ensuring they receive services as quickly as possible.

[Please click here to read more.]

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