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California PACEs Action

Middle school incident reports top high schools for first time at LAUSD; suicidal behavior is up []


For the first time since LA Unified has collected such data, the number of incidents involving fights, suicidal behavior, bullying, drugs and other disruptions on campuses was higher at middle schools than at high schools.

The district last week released the 2015-2016 iSTAR Annual Report, which stands for the Incident System Tracking Accountability Report. The report not only shows serious issues such as finding weapons or illegal drugs on students or staff, but also records accidents, medical issues, vandalism and bullying on every LA Unified campus. The reports are computerized and updated every five minutes and available to every administrator.

For the first time since the iSTAR numbers were collected and computerized six years ago, the number of incidents at the district’s 83 middle schools exceeded the number of incidents at the 98 high schools.

The number of middle school incidents hit 9,663 last school year, mostly involving suicidal behavior, injuries, fighting and physical aggression. In high schools last year, 9,597 incidents occurred mostly involving injuries, suicidal behavior and medical concerns, which include asthma, seizures, heat stress and intoxication.

[For more of this story, written by Mike Szymanski, go to]

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