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California PACEs Action

More Money and Momentum Fuel Police Accountability Work in Calif.'s Central Valley []


By Jim Rendon, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, June 4, 2021

Roger Brown, 33, a Black Fresno rapper and mentor, was driving home from a candlelight vigil in March when he noticed a police car was following his BMW. He was dropping off four kids, some as young as 10, who had attended the vigil held for a murdered child.

As Brown stopped to let one of the boys out in front of his aunt’s house, the police car stopped behind them. The boy got out of the car and immediately jumped back in. He said one of the officers was behind the car with his gun drawn. Then both officers approached the passenger side of his car, without their guns drawn, Brown recalls.

Fearing for the children’s safety, Brown asked the police not to open the doors. He suggested they peer inside through the open sunroof to confirm that he was with a carload of kids. One officer ignored his request. He reached into the car through the window and opened the door. He demanded that another child open the rear door. Two of the boys started to cry.

[Please click here to read more.]

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