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California PACEs Action

NPPC News and Resources

As 2019 comes to a close, we wish you a peaceful and healthy holiday season. As trauma-informed healthcare practitioners, this is also a time to acknowledge that the holidays can trigger loneliness and anxiety -- so please take time to care for yourself and perhaps provide extra support for your patients and families. 
As always, below you’ll find other news, webinars and resources we hope you find helpful for your ACEs screening efforts. 
On December 4th, California Surgeon General Dr.Nadine Burke Harris and Dr. Karen Mark, medical director of the Department of Health Care Services, announced a landmark screening initiative aimed at identifying patients with adverse childhood experiences. Starting January 1, 2020, Medi-Cal (California's Medicaid) will begin reimbursing for ACEs screenings for both children and adults up to 65 years of age. To find out more about this reimbursement and take the required training, go to
On December 2nd, the NPPC and ACEs Connection co-hosted a webinar to discuss the results and lessons learned from the NPPC’s 2017 pilot site program. Attendees also heard from the pilot site coach, Karissa Luckett, as well as 3 pilot site participants, Dr. Mercie DiGangi, Dr. Andria Ruth, and Nancy Tillie. Watch the recorded webinar here.
Join this webinar sponsored by the New Jersey Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics to hear the leads of NPPC’s pilot site program discuss learnings from ACEs screening pilots and how pediatric healthcare providers can address and prevent ACEs. Also, learn about the plan for California legislation around ACEs screening and how you can promote something similar in your state. Wednesday, December 11, 12pm-1pm ET. Register now>
CYW 2018-2019 Impact Report Coming Soon!
Stay tuned for our report on CYW’s activities, wins, and highlights over the past year and a half of great transition and growth, as well as the vision for the next phase of our work.
Listen to this recorded webinar, which was co-sponsored by ACEs Connection and the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA). You’ll hear from ACEs screening pioneers including Dr. Deirdre Bernard-Pearl, a pediatrician and the medical director of the Santa Rosa (CA) Community Health Pediatric Campus and the Elsie Allen Teen Campus; Dr. R.J. Gillespie from The Children’s Clinic in Portland, OR; and Dr. Ariane Marie-Mitchell, a professor at Loma Linda University.
A survey of sexual- and gender-minority individuals about mental and physical health, ACEs and sociodemographic characteristics found that emotional abuse, physical neglect and emotional neglect were more common for transgender participants compared to cisgender lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) participants. In particular, neglect was a common experience for both groups and should be specifically assessed for these populations. 
The AAP has developed materials for pediatricians on how to support adoptive and foster families in a trauma-informed way. Tools include a six-part series of educational materials on different topic areas including how to identify ACEs and address trauma, as well as helpful guides, fact sheets, coding information, forms and more.  
Listen to this recorded webinar, which was co-sponsored by ACEs Connection and the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA). You’ll hear from ACEs screening pioneers including Dr. Deirdre Bernard-Pearl, a pediatrician and the medical director of the Santa Rosa (CA) Community Health Pediatric Campus and the Elsie Allen Teen Campus; Dr. R.J. Gillespie from The Children’s Clinic in Portland, OR; and Dr. Ariane Marie-Mitchell, a professor at Loma Linda University.
A survey of sexual- and gender-minority individuals about mental and physical health, ACEs and sociodemographic characteristics found that emotional abuse, physical neglect and emotional neglect were more common for transgender participants compared to cisgender lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) participants. In particular, neglect was a common experience for both groups and should be specifically assessed for these populations.   
The AAP has developed materials for pediatricians on how to support adoptive and foster families in a trauma-informed way. Tools include a six-part series of educational materials on different topic areas including how to identify ACEs and address trauma, as well as helpful guides, fact sheets, coding information, forms and more.  
Although rates of suicidal thoughts and planning have decreased for teens overall, studies find that suicide attempts have increased among black teens of both genders, and injury from suicide attempts has increased among black males. Factors may include a lack of mental health services, exposure to racial discrimination and ACEs.
The Child and Family Training UK organization is presenting a masterclass on approaches for therapeutic interventions that address the complexity of the effects of multiple ACEs. The approach, based on MATCH-ADTC (modular approaches for children with anxiety, depression, trauma and conduct), matches intervention modules with a family’s needs. Learn more at the masterclass being held on March 20, 2020 in London.

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