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California PACEs Action

Orange County gets to 'Meet a Muslim' at the mall []


Standing in a shopping mall with a sign is perhaps an unconventional way to meet people, but it works. At least according to about 50 volunteers who organized a "Meet a Muslim" event over the holiday weekend at the Irvine Spectrum shopping center.

"Hi, hello!" Afreen Gaffar greeted passers-by as they walked past the group's table, set up outside a chain restaurant in the center.

Inspired by a similar "Ask a Muslim" event on the East Coast, organizers of Saturday's event in Irvine said their goal was to help dispel negative stereotypes about Muslims in the wake of recent terror attacks, simply by putting themselves out there.

"I just wanted people to know that I’m a Muslim man, and I’m just like every other man," said Haseeb Rahman, who grew up in the Bay Area and is raising a family in Irvine. "I love sports, I have children, I love doing fun things... and I want them to not be afraid."

To continue reading this story by Leslie Bernstein Rojas, go to:

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