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Our Trauma-Resilient Educational Communities (TREC) Model's website launched on 1.25.24 with our Award Ceremony!


The culmination of thousands of hours from our Trauma-Resilient Educational Communities (TREC) team in developing our TREC Model, we launched website on Thursday, January 25, 2024. Craig Beswick, Vice-President, School Development Division, Lifelong Learning Administration Corporation (LLAC) opened up our exciting launch, which was hosted by the beautiful UCSD Park & Market in downtown San Diego. Craig warmly welcomed over 200 attendees to our Awards Ceremony and TREC Inauguration.

Our profound appreciation to Chantille De Los Reyes, TREC Project Manager, for her masterful coordination, planning, and keen attention to detail with our 1.25.24 launch.

Craig and audience 1.25.24

TREC’s website was beautifully built by Justin Hodges, UI/UX Designer, and Nevin Newell, Director of External Services.

     TREC Website Justin Hodges

Craig shared the history of TREC over the last eleven years and the local, national, and global trauma-resilient opportunities unfolding. Our Trauma-Resilient Professional (TRP) Certification went live during our launch. Presently, we have over 225 Certified Trauma-Resilient Professionals.

Craig invited some members of our TREC National Advisory Board to stand up and be honored. Please meet Carey Sipp, Colby Thornton, Ebony Wiley-Campbell, and Dr. Doug Luffborough.

Carey SippColby ThorntonEbony Wiley-Campbell Dr. Doug Luffborough

We honored three Awardees during the TREC Inauguration. Introductory video reels were created by Carlos Solorio and Miguel-Angel Sorio to honor each of the Awardees.

TREC Awards

Craig introduced and presented our TREC Champion Award to Principal Amanda Clark, San Diego Workforce Innovation High School’s Chula Vista, Linda Vista, and National City Learn4Life schools.

Principal Clark’s three schools were the very first TREC Trauma-Resilient Organization Accredited schools. Amanda, her staff, and the TREC Self-Study Group worked diligently in writing their TREC Sustainability Action Plan, and completed their Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic , Timely (SMART) Goals, and were deeply vested with integrating TREC within policies, practices, and procedures. Congratulations, Principal Amanda Clark, to you and your teams!

Craig Beswick and Amanda Clark

Carlos Solorio introduced and honored Morgan Appel, PhD, Assistant Dean, Education and Community Outreach, Division of Extended Studies, University of California, San Diego. Mr. Appell received the TREC Trauma-Resilient Organizational Award. UCSD has been instrumental in providing 6 Continuing Education Units for individuals completing the Trauma-Resilient Professional Certification. We are deeply grateful for our collaborative partnership with UCSD!

Morgan Appell and Carlos Solorio

Dana Brown, PACEs Statewide Facilitator, Learn4Life and Organizational Liaison, PACEs Connection, introduced and honored Dr. Vincent J. Felitti, Co-Principal Investigator, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study released in May 1998. Dr. Felitti received our very first TREC Trailblazer Award. Our TREC team is profoundly grateful for Dr. Felitti’s collaboration over the years. We had the opportunity to interview Dr. Felitti for several hours and have a 30-minute Dr. Felitti Legacy Video on our website.                 

Dr. Felitti is truly our Global Hero. The ACE Study is the largest public health study in our nation that millions of people have not heard of. We continue to be uplifted and inspired with the expansive reach of Dr. Felitti’s groundbreaking research as it expands cross-sector in socio-ecological models throughout our nation and world.

Dana Brown and Dr. Vincent Felitti Dr. Vincent Felitti

Please listen to Dr. Felitti’s powerful acceptance speech here HERE.

Dr. Vincent Felitti acceptance speech

TREC Awardees

Craig honored our community partners in attendance and shared his profound gratitude for Community Wraparound who have Community Mentors and Case Managers in several of our Learn4Life schools in San Diego County.

Community Wraparound and audience Community Wraparound and more audience

Audience appreciation

Miguel Angel-Soria, Director of Educational Content Development, graciously thanked his team of graphic designers, musicians, and voice-over artists who created our proprietary animations within our TREC Model.

Miguel-Angel Soria TREC animations poster

An abundance of joy-filled networking, reconnecting, and meeting for the first time permeated throughout the launch.

Lindsay ReeseClaudia Blidaru

Staci RothPay it Forward media

Jenna QuinnTamara Strohauer

Tabitha ElwoodPinki

             Tamara and DanaAlex Reeder

Numerous picture-taking opportunities unfolded before the invitation to view La Lucha | Getting Schooled in America in the Guggenheim Theatre.

Community Wraparound with TREC Awardees

Community Wraparound with Vincent Felitti

La Lucha: Getting Schooled in America followed five Learn4Life students from Pacoima, CA, for two years. We were grateful the Documentarian and Filmmaker, Rand Courtney, Creative Deviants Production, was at our launch. Following the documentary, Rand, Craig Beswick, and one of the youth mentors in the documentary, Rudy Rivera, had a panel with Q & A from the audience.

TREC National Advisory Board member, Carey Sipp, inquired with Rand how we can be further supportive of his cutting-edge work. Rand shared that supporting partners like Community Wraparound, who are doing the real work, boots on the ground, with lived experiences and deep passion for supporting at promise work would be the best supportive steps.

        Dr. Felitti group photo with Community Wraparound

                            Jr. with Dr. Felitti

What a joy-filled, deeply meaningful TREC Inauguration launch we all experienced! Our collective impact with each other on transforming individual and organizational health is igniting a tipping point!

TREC Social Media


Images (34)
  • Craig and audience 1.25.24
  • TREC Website
  • Justin Hodges
  • Carey Sipp
  • Colby Thornton
  • Ebony Wiley-Campbell
  • Dr. Doug Luffborough
  • TREC Awards
  • Craig Beswick and Amanda Clark
  • Morgan Appell and Carlos Solorio
  • Dr. Vincent Felitti
  • Dana Brown and Dr. Vincent Felitti
  • Dr. Vincent Felitti acceptance speech
  • TREC Awardees
  • Community Wraparound and audience
  • Community Wraparound and more audience
  • Audience appreciation
  • Miguel-Angel Soria
  • TREC animations poster
  • Lindsay Reese
  • Claudia Blidaru
  • Staci Roth
  • Pay it Forward media
  • Jenna Quinn
  • Tamara Strohauer
  • Tabitha Elwood
  • Pinki
  • Tamara and Dana
  • Alex Reeder
  • Community Wraparound with TREC Awardees
  • Community Wraparound with Dr. Vincent Felitti
  • Dr. Felitti group photo with Community Wraparound
  • Jr. and Robert with Dr. Felitti
  • TREC Social Media

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