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California PACEs Action

Psychotropic Medication Regulation Among California Foster Youth

There was an oversight informational hearing today at 2:30pm PST on Misuse of Psychotropic Medication in Foster Care: Improving Child Welfare Oversight and Outcomes within the Continuum of Care by the JOINT HEARING HUMAN SERVICES AND SELECT COMMITTEE ON MENTAL HEALTH


The testimony was televised and livestreamed


There was no mention of ACEs and its overall impact on overall health, but there was discussion on side effects of these powerful drugs especially when prescribed off-label and with little oversight. The overall emphasis was on the first response over reliance on these drugs among traumatized foster youth. A heavy focus was also given to relationship based and whole-child models as best practice although those terms were not used. Another information hearing will be in the fall and I am seeking fellow stakeholders who would like to collaborate to bring awareness to the committee members on trauma sensitive and other evidence based practices and ACEs awareness for this population in these contexts. email me (Miranda Pond) at or call/text 916-300-6291 I am located in the greater Sacramento area and welcome an opportunity for a face-to-face stakeholder meeting for those interested as well.


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