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California PACEs Action

Racial Minorities More at Risk in the Workplace and the Economy []


By Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley, May 6, 2020

The latest Berkeley IGS Poll reveals that the COVID-19 pandemic is having especially large effects on the safety and economic well-being of people of color in California. Racial minorities are significantly more likely to report having jobs that place them in regular contact with others and they are more concerned that their jobs place them at risk of contracting the disease.

When it comes to safety in their workplaces, people of color in California also report a high level of concern. Of those currently employed, 61% of whites are able to work at home, as compared to just 42% of Latinos and 53% of Black respondents. As such, Latinos and Blacks are much more likely to report that working in close proximity to others is a very serious problem theyface with respect to COVID-19. Indeed, nearly three times the number of Latinos and twice the number of Blacks are concerned about working in jobs that place them in close contact with others than are whites.

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