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California PACEs Action

Register NOW for Flourishing Families, Centering Justice: Policy solutions for prevention-focused, trauma-informed supports for children and families on 11/1


The California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) invites you to join us for a discussion on Flourishing Families, Centering Justice: Policy Solutions for Prevention-focused, Trauma-informed Supports for Children and Families. This webinar will explore trauma-informed primary, secondary, and tertiary approaches to supporting struggling families and keeping them together. Our expert panelists will:

  • Reframe our understanding of neglect
  • Provide a brief overview of historical and current policies that have contributed to racism, inequity, and family separation in the Child Welfare system
  • Provide examples of policies that have contributed to poverty in American families
  • Present short- and long-term policy solutions focusing on primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.

Please register now to join this discussion 10am-noon PT on Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

Please share this post and/or the attached flier on your social media and with your networks.

The California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) is a statewide initiative that has worked since 2016 to build connections between and across systems with the core mission of preventing, treating, and healing adverse childhood experiences through education and advocacy of trauma informed policy across sectors. In the past, 4CA hosted annual policymaker education days at the Capitol; since 2020, we have hosted 2-3 webinar discussions each year for our membership and the public.


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