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California PACEs Action

Request for Application (RFA): COVID-19 Health Equity Pilot Projects []


Request for Application (RFA) Background and Information:

The California Department of Public Health Office of Health Equity will administer $5M from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) Grant (totaling $499M) to approximately 16-30 community-based organizations led by and serving communities facing inequities1 in COVID-19 infection and impacts.  This $5M is intended to advance the State's work to close racial, ethnic, and other disparities related to COVID-19 and associated chronic conditions. The funding is part of the "Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act of 2020 (P.L. 116-139, Title I)."  Funding is authorized by HSC 131085a and Executive Order N-25-20, Proclamation of State of Emergency (COVID-19).

Community-based organizations will use the funding for innovative pilot projects to reduce underlying inequities in the social determinants of health2  that have contributed to disproportionate harm from the Coronavirus among certain communities.  In many cases, this disproportionate risk of harm is due to the underlying inequities in access to health-promoting resources and services, which can be addressed by this funding source.  Awardees will share best practices, outcomes, and impacts of their pilot projects with their Local Health Jurisdictions, communities, and CDPH, with the goal that successful pilot projects can be replicated to reduce the risks of COVID-19 among priority populations who are experiencing disproportionate COVID-19 impacts.

Eligible entities must be an organization with their 501(c)(3) certification or be fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) organization. Please refer to the RFA for complete details on allowable activities, application requirements, and submission instructions.

[Click here to find more information]

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