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California PACEs Action

SB 1152 is law! Dignity in Discharge Law: What You Need to Know

 California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN)

CPEHN was proud to sponsor Senate Bill (SB) 1152 in 2017-2018. Thank you to author Senator Ed Hernandez and to all of our community partners who helped lobby for this bill. CPEHN stands committed to seeing a successful implementation of the law surrounding this important issue. Read below to find out more about the changes we will see this year. Beginning January 1, 2019, all hospitals in California must develop a plan for safely discharging patients without homes.

This law prohibits hospitals from engaging in previously reported tactics, such as discharging patients in hospital gowns, leaving patients at unsafe locations, and failing to make necessary mental health referrals. Specifically, hospitals must do the following:

  • Attempt to secure a sheltered discharge location, resource permitting, or discharge a patient to the location of their choice.
  • Provide transportation to the discharge location, within 30 miles or 30 minutes of the hospital.
  • Offer the patient weather-appropriate clothes.
  • Offer the patient a meal.
  • Provide referrals to health and mental health resources.

Note for homeless services providers: A hospital must receive your agreement to discharge a patient to your facility. If a hospital sends a patient to your facility without notice, this is a violation of the law. SB 1152 focuses on improved coordination of support resources. By July 1, 2019, each hospital must create a plan for collaborating with community resources, such as shelters, mental health providers, and supportive services. If you could like to be included or involved in this plan, contact your local hospitals. Hospitals are required to comply with all of the elements of SB 1152 as a condition of licensure. Any violation of the provisions of SB 1152 should be reported the California Department of Public Health, Licensing & Certification Program. To file a complaint, you will need to know the name and location of the facility committing the violation, as well as the date of incident. Visit to file a complaint online. Or email the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN) at



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