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California PACEs Action

State ACE surveys infographic

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) listed the ACEs questions as an “Optional Module” for states and territories to administer in 2009, 2010 and 2011. Below are slides showing the states that administered the ACEs Optional Module on their BRFSS questionnaire in 2009-2014. There are now 28 states and the District of Columbia have done their own ACE surveys, and are finding similar results. Many other ACE studies have been done in the last few years, including by the Crittenton Foundation, the National Survey of Children's Health, Washington State University’s survey of elementary schoolchildren, of people living in Philadelphia, and of populations in England and other countries.




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I would like to know the best data as to how various groups have different ACEs than the original ACES population. I know of the Florida Juvenile Justice Kids (much higher number of aces) and one study of Children in Foster Care (much higher number of ACEs).  Do we have other studies of other populations that can point to populations at risk. Also for the California data -- it was suprising for some to see rural areas in Northern California to have higher ACEs than for example Los Angeles as an averaged whole. This doesn't however surprise me as I look at Michigan State Infant Mortality data which is very high in the entrenched intergenerational areas of poverty (rural areas).  Do any of the other states have ACEs data broken down with enough numbers to show anything that may be predictive of a higher ACE population within a state? Thanks. 

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